Sunday 16 December 2018

A Look At The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

As Oprah Winfrey says, "there is one irrefutable law of the universe: We are each responsible for our own life." If you are young and if you have great health, you cannot assume that this will continue for ever. Remember that age can take a toll on your health. No amount of sugar-coating can hide the harsh reality that aged people with poor heath may have to lead a hellish life. If you want to avoid such a situation in your life, you should first study the lives of those old people who have been leading a fulfilled and healthy life. This will help you realize that these successful and old people possess great life skills. This means that even while you are young, you must make all possible efforts for acquiring life skills so you can also lead a fulfilled and healthy life during your old age.

But what are these life skills? Though various experts have come out with their own versions, skills like determination, emotional stability, control, conscientiousness and optimism cover most of them. Those who practice and acquire these skills are almost likely to enjoy the health benefits as well as all the good social outcomes during their golden years.

Thanks to these skills, they will have financial stability, there will be no affliction by chronic ailments or by mental depression and most importantly, they need not fear social isolation. Since they will have overall general health, they may lead a smooth life. Andrew Steptoe, a Professor working for the University College London, who conducted a study on a number of aged and healthy people, also corroborates with this fact. He says, "No single attribute was more important than others. Rather, the effects depended on the accumulation of life skills."

The findings of the study that were published in the PNAS journal, clearly reveal that those who possess these life skills have favorable biomarkers in their blood. Their cholesterol levels are perfect and the C-reactive protein in their system amazingly stands at the right level. It is a known fact that the level of C-reactive protein is a near-perfect marker indicating inflammation that can cause several diseases.

Similarly, those with these life skills have smaller waistlines compared to those who have fewer life skills. Accumulation of fat around the waist is another clear indicator of cardiovascular as well as metabolic diseases. The study also reveals that those with better life skills walk faster and more briskly than others. Researchers involved in the study point out that the walking speed is certainly an objective factor that helps in predicting the future mortality of aged people.

According to Steptoe, "We were surprised by the range of processes -- economic, social, psychological, biological, and health and disability related -- that seem to be related to these life skills. Our research suggests that fostering and maintaining these skills in adult life may be relevant to health and well-being at older ages."
I've written earlier posts about stress and the importance of reducing it. By adding indoor plants to your household, you can lower the stress you may feel. Research studies have shown that the ability to see greenery in the indoor environment can reduce stress in minutes. A green plant in your sight line is a lot better for calming your stress level than soothing it with caffeine, food or alcohol.

During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen which can improve air quality. When photosynthesis stops at night, most plants flip the script, absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. However there are a few plants that release oxygen at night which can aid in maintaining air quality, improving quality of sleep and reducing insomnia. Plants that have this characteristic include orchids, succulents such as aloe vera, jade or Christmas cactus plants, and bromeliads.

Indoor plants can help increase focus and creativity by allowing your directed attention to rest and renew. Consider that when you are out doors in the park, your senses are stimulated and engaged with the trees, leaves, or flowers. As these plants capture your attention effortlessly or via undirected attention, your directed attention which is used to focus on specific tasks is relaxed and resting. Bringing plants and flowers indoors duplicates the experience which allows directed attention to renew. Research studies show that tasks performed while under the calming influence of nature are performed better and with greater accuracy, yielding higher quality results.

In addition to the above, it has been noted that plants in the rooms of patients have had a beneficial effect on patient well-being and health. Researchers at Kansas State University found that patients in rooms with plants had a quicker recovery than those in rooms without them. In comparison to those in rooms sans plants, the patients with plants in their rooms were less fatigued and anxious, requested less pain medication, had lower heart rates and blood pressure, and were discharged from the hospital sooner.

There are a lot of benefits to adding green plants to your indoor furnishings. Plants are easy to locate, available in numerous varieties and an excellent value for the health benefits they provide. The biggest challenge may be choosing the best options for your location and lifestyle along the plant care spectrum. As a Floridian, my number one pick is the Peace Lily. The name says it all--it is calming and attractive when gazing at the white flower bursting from deep green foliage; you can't help but think soothing thoughts.
The benefits of chiropractic care are well established today and people suffering from back and neck pain are increasingly seeking out this alternative treatment technique. Take a look at some of the more powerful benefits of chiropractic care:

Provides Effective Pain Relief

Several studies that have been done have established that chiropractic care can be more effective than medications when it comes to relieving lower or upper back pain or neck pain. It also works to treat the pain of sciatica, bulging disc and slipped disc.

Pain Management Without Drugs

As research throws up more and more evidence of the dangers of taking medication and prescription pills, we are becoming more conscientious about reducing our dependence of medication. Chiropractic provides the perfect alternative as it promotes a drug-free approach. Chiropractic focuses on treating the whole system holistically.

Low Risk Treatment

Conventional medicine uses prescription medication for mild back pain and surgery for more severe back pain. Both of these are high risk as medications can cause complicated adverse effects and surgery is invasive. With chiropractic adjustments the only side effect you can expect is a bit of soreness and in some cases fatigues. Very rarely are there any serious side effects.

Treats The Cause Of The Pain

Most medications merely help to manage the symptoms of pain but the cause of the pain still remains in the body. Painkillers may mask the pain in your upper or lower back but it does not cure the bulging disc. Chiropractic care on the other hand addresses the cause of the pain, which is more effective for long-term relief.

Treatments Can Be Customized Depending On Your Condition

Chiropractors make use of a wide range of tools and techniques to treat pain and other mobility issues. All of these techniques can be customized for your body shape and size and the location of your pain. If you let your chiropractor know the exact spot that is painful and the kind of pain, you will receive customized Chiropractic treatment.

Prevents Joint Dysfunction & Several Other Conditions

One of the greatest benefits of chiropractic care is that it reduces joint dysfunction, which could otherwise lead to symptoms in other parts of the body. Routine treatment can also prevent and treat several other health conditions, from headaches and migraines to menstrual disorders, fertility issues, gastrointestinal disorders and ear infection. Your chiropractor can help develop a customized treatment plan for you depending on your symptoms.

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