Showing posts with label Bodycare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bodycare. Show all posts

Monday 26 February 2024

Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Governments throughout the world are concerned about how much of humanity are now large or even obese members of society. Why has this come about? The way of life today has discouraged home cooking and encouraged the establishing of so many fast food outlets. Through this phenomenon it is so easy to stop and buy a take-out meal either for lunch or to take home with you after work. This relieves you of the chore of supermarket grocery shopping or food preparation. There is plenty of choice from fast-food outlets, even if it is fatty, high in sugar content, not nutritious, nor healthy! The prevalence of these fast-food outlets acts as enticement and encouragement for people to eat more at times that they would not normally consume food.

Eating in this manner will certainly encourage weight gain, showing first in your waistline and then spreading to other parts of your body, usually in the areas where it least looks good. You only have to look at a fat person poured into their clothing waddling in front of you to realize what an ugly sight so much fat looks like. So, why doesn't Mr or Mrs Average do something to contain and rectify this unpleasant sight of their extra flab?

Often people do not have the willpower to lose those extra pounds they gained. Basically, they are aware they should do something about it but have not got the stamina to diet or to watch what they eat more carefully. Unfortunately, comfort food like cakes and candy are items that are hard to do away with. You have to be very stern and committed if you want to succeed in going on a weight reducing program.

There are countries where the fatter you are, the more appeal you have for the opposite, this, however is not the norm in the Western world.

It is important to remember that overweight is not only most unhealthy it can be the cause of illnesses such as diabetes and heart diseases. Diabetes is a disease now considered more common among children from an early age, which is very sad.

As well as a correct diet, getting sufficient exercise is most important. Spending your leisure time sitting watching television, instead of walking, or gardening, will certainly not help with any weight loss. The cost to medical aids and the world economy is now soaring due to obesity and associated symptoms of disease.

Body hate is a nasty consequence of rising popularity of a fitness lifestyle. As much as fitness is about changing our body in positive ways via exercise and diet, it rarely involves exercising our mind to treat our body right. Even the whole idea of going to the gym often begins with a thought that there is something wrong with our body.

We compare ourselves to others on social media and get mad at our own reflection. We are focusing on our flaws much more than we tend to celebrate the things we like about ourselves. That detachment from our body, as if it weren't a part of us, makes it so easy to resent it.

Body hate is detrimental, because it leads to destruction. Some people try to eliminate the source of the problem by diving into a rigid diet and exercise regime only to find themselves exhausted and unable to maintain such regime soon. Others avoid the problem, suppressing the body hate and pretending it does not exist until it erupts. Finally, there are some people who give in and do even more of what causes self-hate.

Suppressing, avoiding, or exacerbating, we all are dealing with our body hate in many unhealthy ways. To start making peace with our body requires these seven mindset characteristics that can be trained.

1. Minimized comparison mindset:

My friend once told me how she compares herself to a Brazilian fitness model on Instagram. She thinks that the model's body type is attractive to the kind of males my friend finds desirable. In other words, she tries to satisfy the imaginary tastes of an imaginary perfect male character!

As one of the basic decision-making mechanisms, comparison is natural for our brain. When it comes to our body, however, we mostly engage in unfavorable comparison. Moreover, a snapshot in the moment, comparison often omits the differences in time and resources that other person invested in getting a "better body".

While impossible to eliminate comparison altogether, minimizing the exposure to comparison triggers, like social media, can certainly help. Also, intentionally practicing a positive comparison, by verbalizing what your body is better at, can help rewiring your brain to think differently.

2. Owner's mindset:

Your body is yours. This obvious statement is often under-appreciated. But think of the times you deemed something being better just because it belonged to you. Your childhood blanket, no matter how old, was the best because it was yours. Your toys had more superpowers because they were yours. Even your puppy that just pooped on the floor and tore a corner of the sofa is still the most amazing creature in the world. And any other cutest puppy on Instagram will not replace your own. So why is your body different?

Get into a habit of giving a positive praise to your body. Instead of focusing on the success of the outcome, appreciate the hard work you body does in the process. Instead of punishing the wrong things, reinforce the right right ones.

3. Guardian mindset:

We tend to value something that is scarce, came to us at a price, or was entrusted to us to protect. Our body is scarce: we only have 28,000 days in our life with almost a third spent asleep. Our body comes to us at price: from clothes to medical bills, our body is one of the most significant investments we make. Finally, no one can take better care of your body than you. You are pretty much all that your body has. Be a good guardian of its value!

To cultivate a guardian mindset, it helps to constantly realize the importance of what you are protecting. Spoil yourself sometimes! Whether it is a spa visit, an expensive fitness club membership, or good skincare products - you are putting money into your self. You better not mess it up!

4. Partner mindset:

The strength of any partnership is tested in an adversity. Rich or poor, in good health or in sickness, new husband and wife promise to stay with each other. In marriages, where trust, communication and empathy are the priorities, partners know that the positive things outweigh the inevitable negative ones. With your body it is the same: no matter how mad you get at your body sometimes, realize that it does more good for you than bad. On the other hand, how good of a partner are you to your body? Do you always treat it right?

As strange as it might seem at first, write a thorough congratulatory list of the times your body got it right. "I have a great nose. My nails grow fast. I do not have stretch marks. My delts are quite responsive to exercise." Come back to this list every time you feel resentful to your body to remind how lucky you actually are.

5. Yoga mindset:

Yogis place a special emphasis on the awareness. Silencing a restless monkey brain and adding mindfulness to everyday life leads to more intentional actions. Being present and living for today makes valuing the moment far more important than worrying about the past and the future. Yoga mind is observatory and not judgmental: you are exactly where you need to be right now. By observing your body and understanding it in space and time, you get in tune with what it signals and what it needs. Observation without judgment leaves no place for hate.

To cultivate a yoga mindset, enhance the actions that make it easier to observe your body: eliminate distractions, get out of breath, take contrasting showers, and meditate.

6. Experimenter mindset:

Imagine you are a lab scientist who designs experiments to check a hypothesis. You conduct an experiment, measure the results, tweak the experiment settings, and do it again. In experimentation, there is no hate of the outcome because the expected result is an educated guess. Finding the logical connections, understanding the triggers and factors affecting the result prevail over emotional judgments.

Become a mad scientist about your own body! Test that blood type based diet! Figure what exercises give you better results. Are you more productive training in the gym in the morning or in the evening? Is running or cycling a better cardio for you? Find out!

Start making a list of your own life hacks that work for your body. Journal and document. Instead of sticking to just one thing that others prescribe, try multiple things to learn what works for you.

7. Philosopher mindset:

The more we focus on how our body looks, the more we are convinced that it defines the quality of our lives. Whereas having a healthy and resilient body certainly helps living a better life, it is only one aspect of who we are among many. None of the body features, appealing or otherwise, determine how much love we deserve and what we can achieve. Your partner might have liked your round glutes, but it is not the reason he will stick around.

Do this exercise: ask your close friends, people you trust, about your strengths and weaknesses. Now count how many of these strengths and weaknesses actually involve your physical appearance? Yes, we might recall from time to time that "the girl the a club had an amazing body". But the moment we start choosing friends, spouses, business partners by how their body looks, is the time we are in a big trouble.

Body confidence does not exist in isolation. It is when we are surrounded by people, what our body looks like, we think, helps others place us in categories. What does a successful, determined, and goal oriented person look like in your imagination? Don't we automatically attach physical body characteristics to the qualities that are completely independent from looks? When the category that we think our body places us does not match the category where we want to be in, we get upset.

Instead, however, we could try to understand why the personal characteristics we want to communicate about ourselves mean a need for a certain physical body. Minimizing comparison of ourselves to people we see on social media helps break that connection in our mind. Separating you, as an individual, from your body, as a physical object, reduces body hate, but only when the detachment is built from the perspective of your body's owner, guardian, and partner. Bringing more awareness, understanding the logic of you body helps you stop making negative judgments about the subjective things. And, finally, understanding that your body is only one aspect of who you are, what you bring to a room as a person makes it much more important to focus on.
Coconut food is on the list of foods that fall under the category of superfood. The oil offers a lot of benefits, such as improved brain function, weight loss and a lot of other skin health benefits. Here are 5 major benefits of the product for you if you are going to use it for losing weight.

1. Coconut Oil Has Fatty Acids

The oil contains a lot of fatty acids with effective medicinal properties. As a matter of fact, it is heavy with saturated fat. According to the latest research, saturated fats are harmless, and most of the research studies concluded that it doesn't cause heart diseases.

Aside from this, coconut oil has the same type of fat that can be found in steak or cheese. In your diet, most of the fatty acids are long-chain fat acids. The metabolizing process of the medium-chain acids is different.

2. Exotic Foods

In West, coconut is on the list of exotic foods. Typically, most of health conscious people go for exotic dishes. But in some countries of the world, people have been thriving on coconut and use it as a dietary staple.

Tokelauans who reside in the South Pacific love coconut oil. According to reports, more than 60% of the calories they consume come from the coconut. As a matter of fact, these people are on top of the list of saturated fat consumers. Their health status is great and they have no heart diseases.

3. It Helps You Burn More Fat

As far as health problems are concerned, obesity is one of the most common problems. According to some people, obesity is due to the calories alone. On the other hand, some people are of the opinion that It's the sources of the calories that matter.

The fact is that our hormones and bodies get effected by foods in a different way. As far as this fact goes, there is a lot more that you need to know about calories.

The MCTs found in coconut oil may increase the number of calories you can burn and the amount of other types of fat that you can burn.

4. It Kills Harmful Microorganisms in Your Body

It's important to know that half of the fatty acids consist of the Lauric Acid. And when you digest it, your body produces monolaurin. The great news is that both monolaurin and lauric kill fungi, viruses and bacteria in your body.

5. It helps you eat less

Coconut oil helps you control your hunger, which is another great benefit of the food. This is the result of the digestion of fatty acids in your body. Moreover, ketones can reduce your appetite.

So, if you have been trying different methods to get rid of the extra fat from your body, we suggest that you try coconut oil as well. This natural food can do wonders and may help you get that slim body. So, you will have a great shape by reducing the extra fat in your body.

Coconut is great for your health. If you are unable to find pure coconut oil, we suggest that you look for a good seller of the supplements of the oil.
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Parents: How smart are you about antibiotics?

One of the more typical reasons for a trip to the emergency department on Thanksgiving Day (and most days, frankly) is accidental cuts to the hands. Be careful cutting up that turkey! Always use a carving fork, and although the household might be busy, try to avoid distractions when working with knives. Thankfully most such injuries can be repaired in the ED, but occasionally are bad enough to warrant being seen by a hand surgeon. For simple cuts to the hand, we generally place non-absorbable stitches that need to be removed in about 10 days. Most of the time, antibiotics are not needed — just a really good washout and cleaning prior to stitching.

Everyone “knows” about the dangers of cooking turkey, yet somehow nationwide, each year, the rate of residential fires more than doubles during this time frame. Never leave the house with the oven on, and check on the turkey frequently. If you choose to deep-fry a turkey, always do this outside, and always make sure the turkey has thawed first. Placing a frozen turkey into a deep fryer can cause explosions of hot oil, which can lead to third-degree burns and other serious injuries. If you’re frying a turkey, always wear good footwear, practice fire safety, and monitor children in the area.

Most birds carry bacteria, and the turkey is no exception. The most common pathogen is Salmonella. If cooked properly, this poses no harm. Under-cooked, the bacteria can cause diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and general illness that ranges from uncomfortable to life-threatening. The recommended temperature for a cooked turkey is at least 165° F, and should be checked by thermometer. Did you know that if you have any questions about cooking your turkey, you can call the Butterball hotline? Even on Thanksgiving Day! (800-BUTTERBALL/800-288-8372)

Delicious holiday foods are usually well seasoned …with salt. For most adults this does little more than make you thirsty, but for people with congestive heart failure or chronic edema (water retention), extra salt can place increased stress on the body. If you have these conditions, please be careful with what and how much you eat. Inevitably, we will see a few patients with episodes of worsening heart failure in the emergency department … usually the day after a holiday.

Last but not least, be careful about driving. It’s all too common to see drunk drivers during Thanksgiving time. It is historically the most dangerous time of the year for car accidents and subsequent fatalities. Monitor how much you drink, and remember that even if you are sober, unfortunately not everyone else out there is. Be extra attentive. Drive safe! When we think of anxiety disorders, we generally think of them as uncomfortable emotional responses to threat. These responses may include symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, trembling, or absolute paralysis. While there is nothing inherently wrong in thinking about anxiety this way, a recent study pointed out that there is an entirely different way of thinking about anxiety that may be even more helpful. According to psychologist Kalina Christoff and her colleagues, anxiety may be more appropriately thought of as “mind-wandering gone awry.”
The advantages of mind-wandering

In your brain, there are circuits that promote mind-wandering and they are not all bad. In fact, these very circuits help you maintain a sense of self, understand what others are thinking more accurately, become more creative, and even predict the future. Without your mind-wandering circuits, your brain’s ability to focus would become depleted, and you would be disconnected from yourself and others too.

In addition to the natural and frequent tendency for your mind to stray, it also has automatic constraints too, to ensure that it does not stray too far. When daydreaming during a boring lecture, for example, your brain may jerk you back into reality.
When mind-wandering goes awry

One of the things that a wandering mind is in search of is meaning. By connecting the past, present, and future, it helps you compose a narrative to connect the dots in your life. This narrative is constantly being updated. But sometimes, the wandering mind can encounter threats. Rather than proverbially “whistling in the dark,” the brain can overreact to these threats.

In the brain of an individual with generalized anxiety disorder, for example, the anxiety processor (the amygdala) is disrupted. Although it has strong connections to the “inner eye” (attention), it lacks a connection to the brain circuits that signal how important or significant a threat is. Without the ability to assess the significance of threats, they can all feel the same.

As a result, the “inner eye” gets fixated on negative thoughts. This fixation is a way of constraining the mind too, but it is not actually helpful. Anxious people focus more on external threats in an exaggerated way. They become glued to the threats. Anything from being teased to being ticked off feels much more troubling than it would to someone without an anxiety disorder. And it’s not just conscious threats that grab your attention. It’s subliminal threats too! Threats, of which you are completely unaware, capture your brain’s attention. A mind, once free to wander, is desperately forced to stop in its tracks in what can be construed as a catastrophic confusion of constraints.
Let your mind wander away from perceived threats

When your brain has automatically grabbed your wandering mind, and fixed your attention on threat, rather than getting a proverbial “grip” on reality, you actually have to loosen your grip on your threat-focused reality — allow your mind to wander! As Christoff and colleagues put it, you de-automatize your constraints.

Because your brain’s inner eye has its resources fixed on the threat, it gets progressively exhausted too. You can’t really summon it to help you suppress the anxiety, or get your mind off of it. Instead, you have to reactivate your mind-wandering circuits to give your attention a break.

Practically speaking, there are a few ways to do this. First, identify the negative spiral that has occurred like a pothole into which you have fallen on a mind-wandering journey. Simply name the feeling you are feeling and recognize that you need a mental reset. Rather than deliberately trying to suppress the feeling, accept that your mind is wandering, and that the fixation on threat is not the constraint solution you are looking for.

To counter this constraint, up the ante on the mind wandering — wander even more. If you’re at work, you could keep a knitting kit and start using it just when anxiety strikes, or if at home, you could go out and do some gardening. Meditation is also an effective way to get out of the fixed threat hole.

So when you’re next feeling anxious or wired, try allowing your mind to do what it naturally does — wander! You can bring it back to task gently, without fearing that you have lost your way. Or you can expect that it is wired to switch between wandering and focused states, and it will eventually come back on its own. The more you mindfully interact with this switch, the more adept your brain will become at initiating it. A pair of recent studies provides useful information to men facing challenging decisions about what to do after being diagnosed with early prostate cancer. Researchers tracked men for 10 years and found that virtually none died of the illness, even if they decided against treating it.

Early prostate tumors confined to the prostate gland often grow slowly and may not need immediate treatment. Instead, these tumors can be monitored and treated only if they begin to progress.

In one of the studies, British researchers randomly assigned 1,643 men with early prostate cancer into three groups: one group had surgery to remove the prostate, another had radiation treatment, and a third had “active monitoring,” meaning that doctors tried to predict if the cancer was spreading by measuring their prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels every few months. Treatment could start if PSA levels jumped by 50% or more over the course of a year. It’s important to note that active monitoring differs from “active surveillance” for early prostate cancer, which relies on routine biopsies as well as PSA measurements to monitor for spreading cancer.

After 10 years, only 1% of the men had died of prostate cancer, regardless of which group they were assigned to. But tumors did spread, or metastasize, more frequently in the active monitoring group. According to the results, the cancer progressed in one in five men being monitored, compared to less than one in 10 men who received surgery or radiation. Some of the men in the monitoring group had what’s known as “intermediate-risk” prostate cancer that has a higher grade and progresses more often than low-risk prostate cancer. Laurence Klotz, a professor at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, in Toronto, Canada, who was not involved in the study, says it’s likely that most of the men who progressed on active monitoring were in the intermediate-risk category, although the authors did not report this. As time went on, more and more of the monitored men wound up being treated.

In an accompanying study with the same group of men, those treated with surgery reported more long-term problems with sexual performance and urinary continence. Conversely, the radiation-treated men reported more bowel problems, while the urinary and sexual side effects from radiation treatment typically resolved within six months. Both the monitored and treated men reported the same amount of anxiety and depression.

Taken together, the studies bolster a growing consensus that men with organ-confined prostate cancer can safely avoid treatment for some period of time. The results show that one case of metastatic cancer was prevented for every 27 men treated with surgery and every 33 men treated with radiation. “These studies again confirm the lack of evidence that treatment interventions for so-called early prostate cancer lead to any meaningful benefits in survival,” said Dr. Marc Garnick, the Gorman Brothers Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and editor in chief of “Additional analyses will be required to see if we can identify those men in each group who did develop metastases and then design treatment programs to see if we can modify that risk.” I come from a long line of skilled soup makers. In the late 1800s, my great-grandmother Enrichetta Cavagnolo, newly arrived from northern Italy, was a soup chef at Delmonico’s in New York City. Enrichetta’s daughter and granddaughters (my grandmother, mother, and aunts) were talented soup makers as well, to the delight of our well-fed family.

But the soup-making gene seemed to skip me. I was never interested in boiling bones for broth, chopping mounds of vegetables, and stirring soup — with love — for hours. It was too much fuss, I thought — until I learned the shortcut.
Fast and healthy

Turns out, making a delicious batch of soup doesn’t require homemade bone broth or all-day simmering. Just boil your favorite vegetables and spices in some water and low-sodium (store-bought) soup stock. There’s no right or wrong combo of ingredients; it’s whatever appeals to you. Want a small batch? Use two cups of liquid. Want a big batch? Use four. Add more liquid to make it soupier, or less liquid to make a stew. Boil, add the ingredients, and you’re in business in about 20-30 minutes.

It’s also easy to go a step further, and make soup a complete meal. “Add protein such as lentils or beans, fish, extra-lean beef, turkey, or chicken,” says registered dietitian Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She recommends increasing the nutrient power and fiber by adding as many vegetables as possible, such as peppers, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, onions, and carrots.
Too busy? Beware

Knowing the shortcut is important in an age when soup tops the list of culturally cool comfort food. It’s featured in trendy soup “bars,” tiny take-out windows, and all varieties of grocery stores. While it’s tempting to skip the stove and buy prepared soups, you should note that they often contain preservatives and other unhealthy ingredients. In particular, be on the lookout for these:

    Saturated fat. Any soup with a cream base, such as cream of tomato, is made with cream and butter, which contain unhealthy saturated fat. Too much saturated fat in your diet may drive up your cholesterol and lead to blockages in arteries.
    Sodium. Canned soups often contain high amounts of sodium. Too much sodium in your diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. Federal guidelines limit sodium intake to 2,300 mg per day for most people.
    Sugar. Added sugar is found in chilled fruit soups and even some vegetable soups. The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugars to no more than 24 grams per day for women and 36 grams for men.
    Calories. Soups are generally lower in calories than other entrée choices, but that changes when you top soup with cheese, sour cream, or croutons, or pair it with a piece of bread.

Keep it healthy

McManus recommends avoiding prepared soups for the most part. “They’re okay in a pinch and on occasion, as long as you set limits. Aim for less than 500 calories, 600 mg of sodium, 5 grams of saturated fat, and 5 grams of added sugar in a bowl of soup,” she says, “and cut that in half for a cup of soup.”

It’ll take some detective work to stick to those limits and find healthier prepared soups. Look at the nutrition information on a restaurant’s menu or website, or on a product’s Nutrition Facts label. If it’s too much work to hunt down healthy soups, then consider making the soup from scratch, like I do now. You’ll find some healthy soup recipes to get you started here. You can control the ingredients, and you can give it your own special flair. And trust me, it doesn’t take a soup-making pedigree to be good at it.
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Sunday 23 December 2018

All You Need To Know About Transplant Surgery

Aloe Vera - the plant of immortality has been used since ages for medicinal and healing purposes. It is a short plant, just 2 to 3 feet in height. The leaves of this plant are rich in water and contain several other nutrients like minerals, vitamins, acids, salts and antioxidants. Technically, it contains around 22 different nutrients which are considered very useful for skin and hair. Owing to its miraculous healing power, this plant is widely used in the manufacturing of several beauty products.

Let me discuss first some of the properties of Aloe Vera.

It possesses antibacterial properties.

This plant contains various antioxidants which restrain the growth of bacteria. Because of this property, it is used in case of infection and inflammation. It contains compound from the hydrocarbon family which prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria.

It acts as moisturizer.

The Aloe Vera plant contains around 95 percent of water. Owing to this, it acts as an excellent moisturizing agent. The regular use of this helps in removing the dryness of the skin, thus making it more attractive. There are several skin moisturizers available in the market. You can also use them in order to give your skin attractive appearance.

It helps in preventing ageing of the skin.

This plant contains antioxidants as well as vitamin C and E. These ingredients are very effective in providing firmness to the skin. Moreover, the regular use of this helps in retaining the elasticity of the skin, thus giving you attractive and younger looks.

It is used to lighten skin.

It helps in lightening the texture of the skin. The ingredients of this plant help in controlling the pigmentation of the skin. When used on a regular basis, it helps in controlling the activity of the collagen, thus offering you bright skin.

Aloe Vera is also very useful for hair. Because of its miraculous healing properties, it is widely used in the manufacturing of the wide range of hair care products. As it contains around 22 amino acids along with different vitamins and mineral supplements, it helps in enhancing hair growth. It prevents the growth of dandruff and helps a lot in maintaining hair healthy and strong. The study has suggested that disturbed pH of the scalp is the main cause of hair fall. This is very effective in maintaining the pH of the scalp, thus preventing several diseases associated with hair.

There are several beauty and health care products available in the market. One can easily use these products in order to avail the several benefits offered by Aloe Vera. As it is basically a plant, its regular use doesn't offer any side effect.
In an emergency, your life depends on getting to the nearest hospital. But when you have an option to plan ahead, selecting the right hospital for your treatment makes all the difference. It not only gives you the confidence that you are in good hands, but also makes your stay at the hospital worth it. The best hospitals have the best of everything. They have the right doctors on board, the best support staff, the best in class medical equipment and infrastructure. If you are selecting a hospital for your treatment, here are a few tips on how to select the best hospital:

Check out hospital ratings

Ratings are a good place to start your research. Well, even if there aren't too many hospitals in your area to compare, ratings give you a fair idea about the services you can expect to receive. Hospitals are generally rated using the following factors:

· Patient experiences - patient experiences with the doctor, the support staff and other hospital members does matter. Patient's opinion about the cleanliness of the hospital and its maintenance also affects hospital ratings.

· Patient outcomes - patient outcomes are an important factor in rating hospitals. The number of times a patient had to be re-admitted for the same ailment etc. makes a difference in hospital ratings.

· Hospital practices and Safety scores play a major role in influencing the rating of a hospital.

So, ratings are not just some random numbers, they could be of great help when you wish to select a hospital for your treatment.

Talk to previous patients

It is a good idea to get feedback from patients regarding the hospital. They will be able to give you accurate information of how the rooms were kept and how friendly or unfriendly the nurses were and how expertly the doctor completed the treatment. Talk to someone who has experienced it first hand and you will get a better idea of which hospital to select.

Check out doctor's profiles

In fact check this before you check anything else. It is important to check out the doctors onboard before you finalize a hospital. If you are looking for a heart surgery, check out the heart surgeons working at that hospital either fulltime or on a per visit basis. It is a good idea to get acquainted with the doctors treating you.

Hospital specialty

Finally, decide whether you wish to select a specialty hospital or a multispecialty hospital. Specialty hospitals provide services for just one type of treatment such as 'Heart Hospital'. Multispecialty hospitals have the ability to treat a varied type of ailments.

Finally, make sure that you shortlist a few hospitals in your area and actually visit them. Talk to the staff and check out the rooms. You can also check out their websites or social media pages to get more information. The testimonials written by the patients are important too. Check them out before you decide! Take all the points into consideration and then select the best hospital for your treatment.
Organ transplant surgery includes removal of the diseased organ from the body and replacing it with a healthy one. This is a life saving procedure that gives the recipient a new lease of life. Organ transplant is a major surgery and has its own risks and drawbacks. The most common transplants that are performed are kidneys, pancreas, liver, heart, lung and intestine. Depending on the organ needed, they are matched using several characteristics such as the size of the organ needed and the blood type of the patient etc.

Availability of organ donors

Organ transplant surgeries are generally dependent on the availability of donors. Generally, a donor could be a living person such as your friends and family or a diseased person whose organs are working just fine. The living donor's blood is tested to check whether it is compatible with the recipient.

Lifestyle changes are crucial

Organ transplant candidates need to make some substantial lifestyle changes. This essentially means that they need to stop smoking, alcohol and might also require reducing substantial weight.

Questions to ask your doctor about your transplant

Organ transplant is one of the major decisions of your life. It is obvious that you might have a number of questions in your mind. Make sure that you ask your doctor about the risks of the transplant, the success rates of the transplant and the survival rates of the patients after the surgery. It is also important to ask how long your hospital stay will be etc.

Things to remember after the transplant

Most patients feel better immediately after the transplant and can enjoy a significantly improved life. There is a possibility that the immune system of your body might reject the new organ. In order to prevent this, your doctor will prescribe immunosuppressant (anti-rejection) drugs. These drugs need to be taken as recommended by the doctor or the surgery will not sustain and your body might not function well with the newly transplanted organ. It is important to carefully observe the symptoms of rejection and contact your doctor as soon as you observe any changes. Your doctor will make adjustments to your anti-rejection regimen. It is hence of utmost importance that you keep all your doctor's appointments and take all your prescribed medications regularly. The rejection can be reversed if the doctor is able to detect the early signs of rejection. During the first few months after a transplant keep in constant touch with your doctor and ensure that you follow all the instructions religiously. Monitor your blood pressure, weight, cholesterol and all the recommended health screenings to ensure that your new organ is accepted by the body.

To sum it up

Overall, it is highly essential that you understand the procedure that you are undergoing, the risks involved and the post operative care that you need to take. Talk to your doctor and ensure that you follow all the recommendations and prescriptions so that the body accepts the new organ.
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Wednesday 19 December 2018

Lifestyle Impacts The Length of Telomeres of Chromosomes

When I attended elementary school, we were taught that wealthy ancient Romans would tickle the back of their throat with a feather to induce vomiting after dinner. Although that ritual probably put a damper on any postprandial romance (unless mouthwash was provided with the meal), it allowed them to engage in their greatest delight - eating more food. Whether or not that custom is mythical, it does bring to mind similar, modern practices of many Americans today.

I sometimes ask insulin-dependent diabetics a simple, yet revealing question. If they could give up all food except some basic green vegetables for one month, and by doing so, cure themselves of their diabetes, would they do it? Sadly, the answer is always a resounding "no." They explained to me that they are unwilling to deny themselves any food. Rather than monitor their diet, they prefer to inject themselves with additional insulin when required.

I was with a friend once late at night, and we stopped for a bite to eat after a movie. He suffered from heartburn and acid reflux, and wondered aloud whether it was too late to take a prescription pill for his condition. He pondered his choices for a moment, and then confidently popped the pill into his mouth. He then proceeded to order cheese fries, a bacon cheeseburger, and some onion rings - despite the lateness of the hour. Surprised by his decision, I asked him why he didn't just avoid those foods, and order something lighter and easier to digest. He gazed at me incredulously, and then explained that was the purpose of the pills. I suggested that he should forego another tub of greasy, buttered popcorn on the next movie night. It might save him a pill.

Fried foods, trans-fats, sugary desserts, and salty snacks - why avoid them when a simple pill will counter their deleterious effects? People I know would prefer to take medication for their high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes. We can actually alleviate most of these health conditions - and even physical pain, insomnia, and arthritis - by altering dietary intake. However, few people will deny themselves the foods that they enjoy.

When it comes to weight loss, nearly everyone tries over-the-counter diet pills before sacrificing that extra helping of greasy fries or a sweet, tempting dessert. When those pills fail, many turn to prescription medicine for weight loss. In addition, as I noted in my article, "The Truth About Weight Loss," many people prefer to endure grueling exercise regimens that they dread and hate, rather than deny themselves the foods whispering their sweet names as they pass by the refrigerator. Incidentally, my refrigerator has an alluring, female, British accent. Still haven't gotten her name though. The decision to exercise and ignore diet is usually a losing proposition, because it's difficult to lose weight on a treadmill with a milk shake in one hand, and a chicken wrap in the other.

For people who are extremely overweight, some prefer to undergo operations like gastric banding, liposuction, gastric bypass, or stomach stapling instead of altering their diet. Whatever the ailment, Americans prefer to pop pills, exercise their jiggling belly away, or undergo surgery, despite the fact that all operations pose some risk, and nearly every drug has side effects.

Centuries ago, Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." So, we have long known the association between a healthy diet and good health. But it's been either forgotten or purposefully ignored in modern society.

Historians still debate whether Roman nobility actually used feathers to induce vomiting. After all, vomiting is hardly an enjoyable experience. And, I imagine one's appetite would be a bit suppressed afterwards - especially if your seat is nearest the vomitorium.

Today, too many American's are willing to endure nearly any level of suffering to lose their excess weight - except sacrificing the foods that they love. It might not be as unsettling as tickling the back of the throat with a feather, but the result is eerily similar.
You will want to compare MRO services third-party administrator to another. This will make it easier for you to determine who you will work with. If a medical review officer isn't able to provide you with quality services, or enough services, it's only going to cause more work for you. This can be avoided simply by taking the time to research your options before choosing one over another.

Look at Services
One of the first things you need to do when comparing MRO services is look at the full extent of services that are offered. Not all companies offer the same, and you don't want to end up having to hire two companies in order to do everything for you. It will be easier and more affordable to have one company handle everything. Some of the services to explore include:

Before you cross out one administrator because they don't offer the same number of services as another, determine what services you actually need. If you only need three or four from the list, then the administrator that offers fewer services may be capable of providing you with everything.

Program Implementation
Some companies will provide MRO services only after you have implemented a program. However, you may need help starting the program. If you are a new business, or you have just decided you want to create a drug and alcohol testing program, you may need to rely heavily on a medical review officer. This person can guide you through the program standards. The two of you can talk about what is needed, and they can do a significant amount of the work for you. This cannot only save you time, but ensure that you have captured everything. You can also rely on someone else's expertise to help you implement a quality program that you can truly benefit from.

While cost shouldn't be the primary way to compare MRO services, it is something that you will want to look at. You don't want to spend any more than absolutely necessary. Talk to a medical review officer and find out what their fees are. Is it a flat fee? Do they charge for each service? These are the questions you will want to have answered before you determine you have captured all of the expenses. Only then can you start to budget what it will be to have a medical review officer as a third-party administrator and to assist you throughout the operation of your drug and alcohol testing program. You can typically compare the MRO services online. This will allow you to see what everyone offers. You may even want to contact them individually to ask a few questions. Be sure to ask the same questions of every administrator. This will make it easier to compare apples to apples. Once you have your questions answered and you have done sufficient research, you are better armed to make a decision.
Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes. They have been allegorized commonly as the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces, which are likely to get frayed without them. Similarly, without telomeres DNA strands become damaged. They are actually disposable protective buffers blocking the ends of the chromosomes. They are consumed during cell division but are replenished by an enzyme - the telomerase reverse transcriptase.

Role of telomerase -

The main function of telomerase is the elongation of telomeres, which enables cells to increase their replicative capacity, sometimes even indefinitely. However, low expression of telomerase, for example in some normal fibroblasts, cannot maintain telomere length.

Telomerase also shows important roles in stem cell proliferation, as well as reprogramming of induced pluripotent stem cells. An induced pluripotent stem cell is a cell taken from any tissue (usually skin or blood) from a child or adult and is genetically modified to behave like an embryonic stem cell. The mechanism of these telomerase functions is still not completely clear.

Functions of telomeres -

Basically, telomeres function as follows:

1. They cap up chromosome ends principally protecting them from DNA degradation. Their length serves as an intrinsic biological clock that regulates the life span of the cell. In other words, they provide limits on the number of replications a cell can go through.

2. They also protect chromosomes from fusion with other chromosomal ends. Uncapped telomeres are able to initiate the DNA damage and cause end-to-end fusions, resulting in chromosomal instability, cellular senescence and apoptosis (programmed cell death). Telomere repeats are lost with each round of cell replication and most somatic cells express insufficient telomerase to compensate for the loss of telomere repeats.

Lifestyle factors impacting telomeres -

Telomere length, which can be affected by various lifestyle factors, can affect the pace of aging and onset of age-associated diseases. Telomeres are shortened as we age, but telomeres can also be shortened by stress, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and a poor diet.

The following are the common causes responsible for the shortening of telomeres:

Aging - Telomere length negatively correlates with age. Telomere length may determine overall health, lifespan, and the rate at which an individual is aging.

Smoking - Smoking seems to have adverse effect on telomeres, shortening their length. Studies have found that the telomere attrition caused by smoking one pack of cigarettes a day for a period of 40 years is equivalent to 7.4 years of life. Oxidative stress caused by smoking is mainly responsible for telomere attrition, resulting in their shortening.

Obesity - Obesity is also associated with increased oxidative stress and DNA damage. Studies show that the excessive loss of telomeres in obese individuals may be equivalent to 8.8 years of life, an effect which seems to be worse than smoking.

Environmental pollution - Exposure to traffic and industrial pollution can adversely affect telomeres. Reduction of the length of telomeres in a person is intimately related to numbers of years and severity of exposure to environmental pollution.

Stress - The stress is associated with release of glucocorticoid hormones by the adrenal glands, which cause increased oxidative damage to DNA and accelerated telomere shortening.

Unhealthy diet - Unhealthy diet deficient in various macro and micro- nutrients can also result in shortening of telomeres as result of damage caused by oxidative stress. Dietary restriction or eating less has an extremely positive impact on health and longevity. The reduction in oxidative stress by dietary restriction is expected to preserve telomeres and other cellular components.

Lack of exercise - The duration of exercise inversely co-relates with the damage to the DNA and telomeres. Regular exercise has been found to be associated with elevated telomerase activity. Furthermore, regular exercise seems to be associated with reduced oxidative stress and may, therefore, reduce the pace of aging and age-associated diseases.

The bottom line -

Telomeres are significantly affected by age and our lifestyle. Shorter telomeres have also been implicated in genomic instability. The rate of telomere shortening is, therefore, critical to an individual's health and pace of aging.

The length of the telomeres of chromosomes is the predictor of how we are undergoing the process of aging; they also predict the onset of age-related diseases in individuals. However, they are notably influenced by our lifestyle. Thus we can delay the process of shortening of telomeres by making positive changes in the lifestyle.
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Benefits Of Pine Pollen

The healthcare scenario is ever-changing and successful healthcare institutes focus on providing their patients with the best in class services along with the best medical care. They constantly re-evaluate their business and take regular feedback from their existing and past customers and make relevant changes.

There are however certain 'must haves' that make a hospital the best hospital. It's generally not only the expertise and the skill levels of the doctors on-board, but a cumulative 'feel' of the overall administration, services and the care that the patients receive from these healthcare institutes. Successful hospitals majorly focus on delivering high quality, low cost and highly reliable patient care.

Here are a few factors that make a hospital the best hospital:

Seamless coordination between the departments

Usually, healthcare organizations have various specialties that form various departments in the hospital. For example, there will be a separate department for cancer care, a separate one for heart ailments and a different department for neurology. Well, apart from this, there is a set of people that handle administrative tasks and the support staff as well. Unless there is coordination among all these departments, it's highly impossible to provide customers with the level of service that they expect. This means that the hospitals tagged as the best have all these departments seamlessly functioning under one roof and there are no glitches while transferring the patient from one department to another.

Embracing technology

Embracing technology is the only way to progress. The most successful hospitals ensure that they leverage from the modern technological equipment and use them to give their patients the best possible results. Having an open mind and welcoming new technological developments in the field of medicine is the key to success.

Transparent pricing

No one likes surprises when it comes to payment of hospital bills. Most of the patients plan their finances in advance. It is hence a good idea to keep the prices and the billing process very transparent. This creates a positive impression and the patients appreciate the straight forward process.

Team based care

Comprehensive healthcare systems are growing in popularity these days. Instead of having the patient transferred from one place to another for further treatment, most of the hospitals prefer to gather a team of experts to work on the case. This ensures that the patient feels cared for and also builds a sense of confidence that the hospital can provide instant care in case of emergencies.

For any hospital, it is highly essential that they follow the best practices and guidelines, because this kind of standardization ensures that the level of positive outcomes increases.

The key to success however depends on one factor - patient centeredness. Patients must inevitably be at the center of care and every caregiver including the doctor must put the patient first. Finally, a healthcare system must not be too rigid and must evolve with time to ensure that their patients get the best possible experience while they lay all their hopes of a better and healthy life on you!
n a study published by The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality dog bite injuries requiring hospitalizations almost doubled over a 15-year period. Some surprising highlights are very telling. Serious bite injuries can have life long implications, both physical and emotional as well. From the initial trauma of the attack, to the cost of medical treatment and possible ongoing physical or emotional therapy, the effects are considerable.

Over the period studied, there is an increase of over eighty percent in dog -related hospitalizations. Being hospitalized for these types of injuries can result in incurring significant medical expenses. Treatments may be needed for serious injuries such as tendon tears, muscle damage, and infections. Hospitalizations for injuries suffered by being bitten by a dog are $6,000.00 more expensive than average injury related hospitalizations. Per day costs for these injuries are approximately $5000.00 compared to $2000.00 per day for a normal injury stay.

Some of the most common diagnoses for dog bite injuries which involved hospitalizations included skin and tissue infections, open wounds of extremities and open wounds of the trunk, head, and neck. Other common injuries also include limb fractures, crushing injuries and internal injuries. A"simple" dog attack can have surprising ramifications. It may not initially be clear just how dangerous the injuries may be. Untreated or under-diagnosed injuries may lead to serious complications, including death. Do not think that because little Fido barely broke the skin, that you are not seriously injured. The wounds from bites can involve a bone crush or break and tear tendons and muscles without any actual open wounds.

If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog, first seek medical treatment, Injuries can have dangerous infections, caused by the bacteria in the dog's mouth. This is not necessarily readily apparent at first. In a dog attack, a complete medical exam can be important in staving off disastrous results. After receiving proper medical care, you may need to consult with a dog bite lawyer to review the circumstances of the incident you were involved in. You may be entitled to receive monetary compensation for being bitten by a dog. Contact an experienced dog bite lawyer who can advise you on the best way to proceed against the owner of the dog who attacked you.
Pine pollen is a powerful herb obtained from a pine tree. Some individuals and companies make the powder out of the pollen. This makes it easy for people to take it. There are plenty of benefits that come with pollen powder. These benefits include:

Rich in Phyto-Androgens

Two of the popular Phyto-androgens are Gibberellins and brassinosteroids. Gibberellins are similar to testosterone in structure and are heavily used in the first stages of germination. Professionals have found out that Gibberellins mimic testosterone thus stimulate the production of androgen. The Phyto androgens have also been found to regulate the action on the prostate. The sterol component of gibberellins regulates the size of the prostate. If the prostate is too big, it shrinks and vice versa. The brassinosteroids aid in removing xenobiotic substances from the liver thus keeping you healthier.


The product is not only ideal for men-it's also ideal for women. Experts have found out that the pollen supports elastin and collagen. To take advantage of this, you should apply it externally on your skin. You can also take it internally where you get to benefit from the vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and antioxidants that it contains.

Hotbed of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals

Pine pollen is a complete protein source as it contains all of the essential amino acids and many others. Some of these amino acids include: Alanine, Arginine, Asparic acid, Histidine, Serine, Proline, Phenylalanine, Leucine, threonine and many others. It also contains plenty of vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6 B9, beta carotene, and many others. When it comes to minerals, it contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, selenium and many trace elements.

How to take pine pollen

There is plenty of information on how to take the pollen. Some people advise that you place the pollen under your tongue so that it gets absorbed directly into your system. While this method is effective, experts have reported that it puts you in great danger of developing cancer of the digestive system. According to scientists, the best way of taking the pollen is diluting it in one or two cups of water and drinking it. This way you don't put a lot of pressure on your tongue and still get some of the pollen absorbed directly into your body without going through the digestive system.


These are some of the benefits that come with pine pollen. Some people have developed reactions from taking it; therefore, to avoid complications you should always consult your doctor before you take the pollen.
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Monday 17 December 2018

How Can You Get A Fit And Slim Body

Indoor rock climbing is fun, exciting, and a wonderful way to get some exercise. If you often avoid working out because it is boring, this is going to change your mind! This is a fun activity that you can do with friends, your children, or with your significant other. It is challenging and it takes time to learn the basics. Yet it can be a wonderful way to spend your time!

Challenge your Body

Every single muscle in your body is going to get a workout when you take part in indoor rock climbing. This is a workout you will enjoy though so it isn't going to seem like work! Most locations have various options so you can take on the one that works well with your current fitness level. As your abilities improve, you can move on to the more challenging climbs.

Challenge your Mind

Don't overlook the ways in which indoor rock climbing will challenge your mind. You have to think about where you will put your feet, where to reach, and you have to stay calm as you climb higher and higher. You also have to trust yourself to make good choices and to determine how you will move.

Practice for the Outdoors

Perhaps you have an interest in one day climbing outdoors. Starting with indoor rock climbing though is a good way to get a solid foundation in place. This is your chance to become confident with the process. You can learn as you go and then move on to the outdoors when you feel you have the right skill set to take on such a challenge.

You can do this activity indoors all year long too. It doesn't matter what the temperatures are or the weather reports. You don't have those perks when you are outdoors taking part in the climbing.

Equipment and Safety

It can be expensive to invest in the various types of equipment you need for safety and for climbing outdoors. When you go to an indoor rock climbing location, all of that is provided for you. They have the equipment you need so all you pay for is the climb. Many locations also offer instruction. If you need help or you are new to the process, they will guide you.


Make sure you are focused and ready when you are going to spend time indoor rock climbing. Being alert mentally and having your body physically ready is important. Stretch before you start the climb so your body is flexible and less likely to feel strain as you move. Eat a meal a few hours before you go that is high in protein so you have extra energy.

Dress in clothing that fits you well and will be comfortable. It shouldn't restrict your movements in any way. Make sure your clothing isn't too loose though or it can be hazard while you are climbing. Your shoes should fit properly and have plenty of traction to offer. Make sure they are double tied so your laces don't come undone while you are enjoying this activity.

Some people like to have gloves on that allow them to have a better overall grip. You may find that is a good idea when you go rock climbing. It can prevent your hands from getting roughed up from the ropes. It can also prevent your hands from being sweating and slippery which will prevent you from holding on securely as you climb.

Some locations offer shoe and glove rentals or they include those items in the cost of the activity. It is a good idea to find out before you show up so you can plan for what you will need. If you have any questions, make sure you ask before your begin the climbing process.
You don't have to be nervous about wall climbing. You may feel uneasy as you aren't sure what to do or how to do it. You may be afraid of falling, even with a safety harness on or worried about others watching you. Don't let fear hold you back though because this can be a great deal of fun! It can also be a wonderful way to get some exercise as your whole body is involved.


Taking a climbing class can help you to overcome your fears, to get your questions answered, and to learn the basics. Once you master that, you can decide if you would like to take an advanced class or not. It is important to enroll in a class that is going to teach you what you need at your skill level. Don't be in a rush to take advanced classes or you will miss details.


Before you sign up, learn about the curriculum that will be covered with the climbing class. Most of them involve you learning information in a classroom setting. Then you move into the hands on learning. The classes should be small so you can get one on one help from the instructor. Many of these classes are for half a day or a whole day. Find out what is included.

Ask about the instructors too so you know what their experience is. They should be patient, encouraging, and have the right level of expertise to be teaching such a class. They should have excellent communication skills and make the learning fun and interactive. If you know others who have taken such a program, ask them who their instructor was.


Sign up for the climbing class you want as soon as you can because many of them fill up quickly. If you have any questions, ask them before you sign up so you know what to expect. They should give you information on what to wear, when to show up, and other key factors that will influence your learning.

Some locations offer these classes for adults as well as children. For those under the age of 18, a parent may need to be present at all times. Find out what the requirements will be so you and your child are fully aware before you sign them up. They are going to love this type of adventure and be very happy you are allowing them to take part in it.


You will be delighted to learn it isn't outrageous to take part in a climbing class. The prices are very reasonable but it does vary depending on where you go and what is included. Spend some time comparing the prices and the curriculum so you can obtain overall value. The learning should include safety, best practices, individual help, and offer you plenty of fun.

If you are looking for a terrific gift for someone, consider a climbing class. They will love the originality of such a class. You can even sign up to take it with them. Then you can both learn at the same time and have a memorable experience. This type of event is a great adventure and the climbing class may be what it takes for you to feel comfortable taking part in it!

You may be able to get a discount if you sign up several people or as a family for such lessons. A group rate can make it even more cost effective for everyone to learn about safety and to enjoy the process of learning how to rock climb. It is an adventure you will be excited to take part in again and again once you have learned the basic fundamentals.
The desire to look fit is nothing wrong. We all do have the same feeling at some point of our life and the fatter ones out there will definitely agree with what I say. Slimming down not only gives you a great look but also makes you look attractive. Therefore, if you have the same desire in your mind, we advise you to follow certain tips that will help you reach your goal.

• You can start with drinking 2 glasses of water at the beginning of your day. This will give your metabolism a good start. Water also helps to remove unnecessary toxins from the body. The added advantage is that water does not have any calories so it will not do you any harm. Even during the day, if you drink water in plenty then it will keep your hunger in control and restrain you from consuming calorie rich food.

• Exercising is a good thing for the health and well-being. If you are not able to exercise regularly, you can just take a walk after the meals. Walking burns out a great deal of calories. This will help to keep your weight under control in the long run as the glucose is cleared from the blood stream.

• Processed food contains a lot of salts. Even chips, and the things you mostly love eating have salt content in them that works as a preservative to add taste. Reduce the intake of salts as too much of it increases the blood pressure.

• You are advised to go on a fiber rich diet. These foods will keep you full as they take a longer time to digest and make you have a lesser appetite for food. Thus, it boosts your slimming regime and keeps our weight in check.

• The last but not the least advice for you is to eat homemade food. Saying so, I do mean that you need to stay away from the lip-smacking delicious food that the cafés and restaurants offer. You have to lessen the number of visits you make there in a week and consequently in a month. While you eat at home, you will be able to monitor what you are eating.

All these things, if you are following them, will make your fit and get a slim body that you have wished for a long time. Not only that you will become healthy and would be able to lead a better life by keeping away several diseases.
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Sunday 16 December 2018

A Look At The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

As Oprah Winfrey says, "there is one irrefutable law of the universe: We are each responsible for our own life." If you are young and if you have great health, you cannot assume that this will continue for ever. Remember that age can take a toll on your health. No amount of sugar-coating can hide the harsh reality that aged people with poor heath may have to lead a hellish life. If you want to avoid such a situation in your life, you should first study the lives of those old people who have been leading a fulfilled and healthy life. This will help you realize that these successful and old people possess great life skills. This means that even while you are young, you must make all possible efforts for acquiring life skills so you can also lead a fulfilled and healthy life during your old age.

But what are these life skills? Though various experts have come out with their own versions, skills like determination, emotional stability, control, conscientiousness and optimism cover most of them. Those who practice and acquire these skills are almost likely to enjoy the health benefits as well as all the good social outcomes during their golden years.

Thanks to these skills, they will have financial stability, there will be no affliction by chronic ailments or by mental depression and most importantly, they need not fear social isolation. Since they will have overall general health, they may lead a smooth life. Andrew Steptoe, a Professor working for the University College London, who conducted a study on a number of aged and healthy people, also corroborates with this fact. He says, "No single attribute was more important than others. Rather, the effects depended on the accumulation of life skills."

The findings of the study that were published in the PNAS journal, clearly reveal that those who possess these life skills have favorable biomarkers in their blood. Their cholesterol levels are perfect and the C-reactive protein in their system amazingly stands at the right level. It is a known fact that the level of C-reactive protein is a near-perfect marker indicating inflammation that can cause several diseases.

Similarly, those with these life skills have smaller waistlines compared to those who have fewer life skills. Accumulation of fat around the waist is another clear indicator of cardiovascular as well as metabolic diseases. The study also reveals that those with better life skills walk faster and more briskly than others. Researchers involved in the study point out that the walking speed is certainly an objective factor that helps in predicting the future mortality of aged people.

According to Steptoe, "We were surprised by the range of processes -- economic, social, psychological, biological, and health and disability related -- that seem to be related to these life skills. Our research suggests that fostering and maintaining these skills in adult life may be relevant to health and well-being at older ages."
I've written earlier posts about stress and the importance of reducing it. By adding indoor plants to your household, you can lower the stress you may feel. Research studies have shown that the ability to see greenery in the indoor environment can reduce stress in minutes. A green plant in your sight line is a lot better for calming your stress level than soothing it with caffeine, food or alcohol.

During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen which can improve air quality. When photosynthesis stops at night, most plants flip the script, absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. However there are a few plants that release oxygen at night which can aid in maintaining air quality, improving quality of sleep and reducing insomnia. Plants that have this characteristic include orchids, succulents such as aloe vera, jade or Christmas cactus plants, and bromeliads.

Indoor plants can help increase focus and creativity by allowing your directed attention to rest and renew. Consider that when you are out doors in the park, your senses are stimulated and engaged with the trees, leaves, or flowers. As these plants capture your attention effortlessly or via undirected attention, your directed attention which is used to focus on specific tasks is relaxed and resting. Bringing plants and flowers indoors duplicates the experience which allows directed attention to renew. Research studies show that tasks performed while under the calming influence of nature are performed better and with greater accuracy, yielding higher quality results.

In addition to the above, it has been noted that plants in the rooms of patients have had a beneficial effect on patient well-being and health. Researchers at Kansas State University found that patients in rooms with plants had a quicker recovery than those in rooms without them. In comparison to those in rooms sans plants, the patients with plants in their rooms were less fatigued and anxious, requested less pain medication, had lower heart rates and blood pressure, and were discharged from the hospital sooner.

There are a lot of benefits to adding green plants to your indoor furnishings. Plants are easy to locate, available in numerous varieties and an excellent value for the health benefits they provide. The biggest challenge may be choosing the best options for your location and lifestyle along the plant care spectrum. As a Floridian, my number one pick is the Peace Lily. The name says it all--it is calming and attractive when gazing at the white flower bursting from deep green foliage; you can't help but think soothing thoughts.
The benefits of chiropractic care are well established today and people suffering from back and neck pain are increasingly seeking out this alternative treatment technique. Take a look at some of the more powerful benefits of chiropractic care:

Provides Effective Pain Relief

Several studies that have been done have established that chiropractic care can be more effective than medications when it comes to relieving lower or upper back pain or neck pain. It also works to treat the pain of sciatica, bulging disc and slipped disc.

Pain Management Without Drugs

As research throws up more and more evidence of the dangers of taking medication and prescription pills, we are becoming more conscientious about reducing our dependence of medication. Chiropractic provides the perfect alternative as it promotes a drug-free approach. Chiropractic focuses on treating the whole system holistically.

Low Risk Treatment

Conventional medicine uses prescription medication for mild back pain and surgery for more severe back pain. Both of these are high risk as medications can cause complicated adverse effects and surgery is invasive. With chiropractic adjustments the only side effect you can expect is a bit of soreness and in some cases fatigues. Very rarely are there any serious side effects.

Treats The Cause Of The Pain

Most medications merely help to manage the symptoms of pain but the cause of the pain still remains in the body. Painkillers may mask the pain in your upper or lower back but it does not cure the bulging disc. Chiropractic care on the other hand addresses the cause of the pain, which is more effective for long-term relief.

Treatments Can Be Customized Depending On Your Condition

Chiropractors make use of a wide range of tools and techniques to treat pain and other mobility issues. All of these techniques can be customized for your body shape and size and the location of your pain. If you let your chiropractor know the exact spot that is painful and the kind of pain, you will receive customized Chiropractic treatment.

Prevents Joint Dysfunction & Several Other Conditions

One of the greatest benefits of chiropractic care is that it reduces joint dysfunction, which could otherwise lead to symptoms in other parts of the body. Routine treatment can also prevent and treat several other health conditions, from headaches and migraines to menstrual disorders, fertility issues, gastrointestinal disorders and ear infection. Your chiropractor can help develop a customized treatment plan for you depending on your symptoms.
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