Monday 17 December 2018

Get Tipsy the Healthy Way

Some healthy alcoholic drinks that will get you in the right mood and in the right state of health. There are many health tips out there but none like this one. Before we jump in and read further, let's go through the warning signs.

If you're a chronic alcoholic, then it's best that you consult a doctor. If getting wasted is your idea of having a good time, then maybe it shouldn't be. If you want to have a relaxed Sunday afternoon with your friends and want to remain healthy too, then this might be the best thing you will read this holiday season. Also, remember health is a relative term, especially when it comes to alcohol.

Vodka soda and a lime on top

Well, vodka, soda, and a slice of lime might sound like a boring drink. But you know what? It is amongst the lowest calorie drinks out there. It might make you sleepy if you've had one too many. Vodka averages 96 calories per 1.5 ounces. And soda has no calories what so ever. This drink does not have any nutritional value but sure is a drink for people who are trying to maintain their weight.

Wine is the winner

Wine is certainly very good for you. Red wine has a lot of nutrients in it. It contains iron, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals are essential for a healthy body. A good wine is also full of antioxidants which are great for healthy skin. So go ahead, open that vintage that you've been waiting to pop open. And, let the sparkles help you maintain your healthy outlook. Again, one too many might cost you.

Beer it with Guinness

This thick lager that most people love is also a healthy brew. This Irish stout is a refreshing drink is healthy at the same time. If you know a brewery that serves this tasty beverage nearby, then head there and have one. Even though it is heavy and has an alcohol content, it is made of whole grains, which are healthy for your body. It has somewhere around 128 calories per 12 ounces. Which is great for an average beer, or shall we say stout? Well, in a nutshell, Guinness is nutritious lager for those who wish to remain healthy.
People of today have a very busy schedules and very diverse lifestyles. Everyone would live to maximize their time and make up for everything they want to do. This is not something bad, many aspire to multi-task as much as they can but then stress and illness kicks in, it's a different story already. Investing in quality health care is a serious matter you need to have in life. When you are signed up in effective health care services, you and your family's future are protected. You can experience a better quality life, expect a longer lifespan and could prepare early from perhaps, the worst things that could happen when sickness come by.

Fortunately, consumers today have access to various tools and services to help them gather up-to-date and relevant information on improving their health and well-being through professional care. They know that quality health care means it should be delivered in a safe, timely and efficient manner. They expect health services to be centred on the needs of the patient, regardless of status or personal characteristics.

If you seek this kind of healthcare, it is important to go to no less than the top-rated medical clinics you know. Below are some of the factors that can help you decide wisely:

1. Go for credible solutions. A reputable medical or dental clinic will have the systems and resources to offer solutions that make it easy for patients to receive complete care. For example, annual health check packages tailored for your gender, age or specific medical condition will allow you to address all your health concerns in the most practical manner.

2. Research about its mission and goals. The best clinics often share a focus on having a preventive and holistic approach to treatment. Modern doctors and healthcare providers don't just work on curing a particular illness; they want to help patients obtain improved wellness for the long term.

2. Conduct intensive research. A medical and dental clinic, no matter how sophisticated its equipment or how high-end its facilities may be, is still dependent on the capability of its people at the end of the day. When choosing a clinic to go to, check the physicians and staff they employ. Know that you can only get the best treatment if you get help from highly skilled medical professionals who are able to deliver quality and compassionate care.

3. Be your own health champion. Make it your priority to invest in your own health and well-being. Choose the right clinic. Do your research on matters that directly impact you, such as your specific conditions or the insurance options available to you. Don't hesitate to ask your doctors, nurses and clinic staff should you have questions - they're not just your medical care provider, but also your partners in achieving good health.
Unless you've been living underground, you have likely heard an overwhelming amount of information related to turmeric this past year. Somewhere along the way it was awarded super-spice status and now can be found almost anywhere you look, from supplements, to grocery store products, to even toothpaste!

The benefits of this wonder-spice are mainly anti-inflammatory in nature and for that it has been reported helpful in many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, depression, and possibly even cancer. In Indian culture they even use it topically to speed wound healing. What can't this spice do?

Recently, however, a report came out saying that we were duped. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has little bioactive activity in the body. The report pointed out few studies showing curcumin itself to have any health benefits, and that in fact the compound often breaks down before it can elicit any sort of positive health impact.1

Oh no! How could we have gone so far astray, especially regarding an ancient spice that has been used for centuries therapeutically in other countries? Is it simply placebo effect.

Let's hold up for just one second. For starters, before we go dumping all our turmeric capsules down the toilet, let's read the article fully. What exactly are they saying?

Pay careful attention to the wording. The author in this article is mainly discussing the inability to successfully create a drug utilizing curcumin. Essentially they are saying we have been unable to isolate this active compound in such a way that has a positive and reproducible effect in the human body. Instead of acting on a target protein as they had hoped, the compound broke down and apparently produced no anti-inflammatory result. The article then goes on to say that we have very few published studies to show any benefits from turmeric, and specifically, curcumin usage, so in their conclusion, the time and money spent on turmeric is worthless.

That is all very interesting, however it is also misleading. First of all, just because they cannot isolate curcumin in a stable form suitable as a drug does not mean that curcumin does not work. The body, as we discover daily, works in mysterious ways. Simply because curcumin does not work on one specific target protein does not mean that it is not producing health benefits by other means.

Secondly, we do in fact have some studies to show beneficial effects. Do a quick search on PubMed and you will see what I mean. Some of these studies use the isolated curcumin, and others use the turmeric whole. Both do have research to show some effectiveness. One study, in fact, showed that turmeric was just as effective as ibuprofen in reducing pain from osteoarthritis.2 That is exciting news if you ask me! In fact there are many studies showing positive outcomes with arthritis patients.

Additionally, there are also many in-vitro and rat studies demonstrating the anti-inflammatory benefits this spice can have. While obviously these results are not always directly relatable or applicable to humans, the take-away is that this compound is very active and holds promise for a wide variety of disease states.

On the whole, based on this one critique, I would not be so fast to discount the powerful effects turmeric can have for our health. Ancient tradition and wisdom aside, there are actually studies showing benefit which should lead us to conclude that turmeric is actually doing something, but maybe not in the precise way we are looking at it currently.

Don't forget that like with most things in nature, compounds work synergistically. Another reason why food, not supplements and fortification, is paramount for health. For example, we know that the phytochemicals in fruit are more powerful when eaten together in the whole food. When we try to isolate specific phytochemicals to make a pill, we find that the compound is unstable and frankly doesn't work. But these compounds DO work when ingested in the right form and combination that nature intended.

All that to say, keep up with your turmeric if you find it to be working for you. Consider eating it in the whole form in cooking rather than isolated pill forms. If you do choose a pill, purchase from a reputable company and even consider purchasing the same forms used in the studies. When using the whole spice for the root, combine it with other foods known to enhance the bioavailability such as fats and black pepper.

The use of spices, and especially turmeric, is a great addition to an overall healthy diet. While important to take into consideration, don't let one detracting article like this completely change your viewpoint just yet.

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