Wednesday 19 December 2018

Skin and Its Glowing Beauty

You have various options when it comes to DFW on site drug testing. You can choose to do the testing on your own, or you can work with a third-party. Working with a third party can make a lot of sense, and save you time along the way. This will allow you to focus on operations rather than on operating your drug and alcohol testing program.

Notify Employee

Employees need to be notified that they have to undergo a drug test. The benefit is that it will be conducted on-site, which means that you can get 100% participation. Any time that it is offered off-site, you run the risk of people not going because they have to find the time to go to the lab. Then, you may deal with transportation problems, as well as those who claim that they cannot find the lab.

When it is conducted on-site, you can ensure people will go to get the test. You can also ensure that the third-party will provide sufficient notification, which is one less thing for you to have to do.

Maintain Chain of Custody

Maintaining the chain of custody is of the utmost importance. If at any time, the chain is broken, the results become invalid. You don't want to be responsible for this chain of custody because it can be time-consuming. There are also various documents that go along with the process. By handing the responsibility over to a third-party, you can remain confident that the chain of custody is present. This will also be of benefit to you in the event that an employee tests positive. You may need to take legal action against them, or use it in a case that is already in process.

Obtain Results

There is also the matter of obtaining the results. By using a third-party, they will obtain the results, and record everything electronically. You can have everything filed away in an electronic data management system. You can also receive real-time status updates through a dashboard. It will keep you informed of all that is going on. If you need to see whether an employee has been tested recently or not, you can pull them up by name. You can also see their test results.

You may not have the time to manage the entire process. It can be overwhelming, especially as you add more employees to the mix. When you take advantage of DFW on-site drug testing, you can also have a medical review officer who will take care of all the different test. They can provide DOT as well of non-DOT drug tests, as well as alcohol tests.

The information that you get can be invaluable to determine whether you want to keep employees after they have tested positive. Also, you can get the help where you need it the most so that you can focus on other important aspects of running your business.\
An occupational therapist assesses and considers various treatments for individuals who struggle with daily living and work skills due to a physical, mental, or cognitive disorder. The primary goal is to assist patients in overcoming daily challenges to achieve an independent life.

Occupational therapy can benefit people of all ages, especially children. The sooner parents notice the warning signs of a child struggling with daily tasks, the easier it will be for the child to develop new skills and cope with their challenges. A parent may notice that their child actively avoids activities that include fine motor skills, as they realize they have difficulty performing certain tasks. An overreaction to certain sounds, smells, and touch, may be a symptom of a sensory issue, and therapy may help a child to cope better. A child may also need assistance if they rarely initiate or engage independently in activities or social groups.

Poor Fine Motor Skills

Parents may notice that their child will avoid certain activities due to their poor fine motor skills and coordination. For example, a child may have issues using scissors, holding and gripping a pencil or crayon, folding paper, or even writing their name. As a result, the child would try to avoid any writing, drawing, or craft-related activities at school. Poor fine motor skills will also affect their ability to hold and manipulate small objects, so a child may also experience frustration while handling some toys, games, or puzzles. It's not limited to activities; a child may also show difficulty with putting on shoes, buttoning a coat, and handling dinner utensils at an age when they should have mastered these tasks.

Poor coordination is another warning sign that children may need occupational therapy. Children may frequently fall or crash into things or people due to their lack of balance. A therapist will guide the child towards techniques that will help them improve their coordination and achieve success in daily life and academics.

Overreaction to Stimuli

Occupational therapy can benefit children who show signs of hypersensitivity to sounds, smells, touch, or tastes. A child that is overreactive to stimuli may have difficulty coping with change or be easily distracted by any sight or sound. Alternately, a child may also underreact to stimuli; for instance, they may show signs of high pain tolerance.

Over or underreactive responses may indicate a condition called Sensory Processing Disorder, in which the brain has trouble receiving sensory information and organizing it into appropriate responses. Many children with this disorder may be able to cope with the overwhelming symptoms with the guidance of an occupational therapist.

Lack of Initiation

Some children struggle with social skills and social interactions, leading to a potentially negative impact on their academic and personal life. Fortunately, social skills can be improved with the help of therapy.
Issues with social interaction go beyond difficulties in engaging with family and peers. A child may also have issues adapting to new environments and situations. Parents may also notice that their child lacks initiation in social groups and interests that are new and involve other peers, choosing to observe from the outside rather than actively participate.
As I walk down the aisle of Wegman's, I'm thinking to myself what a great day I'm having. I love it when I have the time to just linger at the grocery store and take the time to browse and read labels and look for new products to try. I'm a health nut, admittedly. I wasn't always. But when you get to be a certain age, it's time to clean up your act or you start to fall apart. I'm 48, so I had to start cleaning up my act about 5 years ago. I feel pretty good most days now. But wait... nooooo.

I try to move away from the offensive smell immediately to try to escape the inevitable. Is it going to work? No. Someone's perfume is about to ruin my day and give me a damn migraine!

I wasn't always like this, hiding and running from all fragrances. Perfumes and laundry detergent smells send me into a dizzying tailspin of pain and anxiety. Dryer sheets are the worst. I can smell those on people from 15 feet away sometimes. It's almost like I have bionic smell.

I've had migraines since I was about 12. They run in my family. Both my mother and my grandfather got them. I used to get them on average once a month with my period and if I ate MSG. It all changed when I went through early menopause starting at age 43. I was through it by 45 and I went through a period of three years when I had a migraine almost every day.

I'm on a cocktail of medications to prevent them now, including an anti-seizure, but the one thing that remains is my sensitivity to fragrances. When I come in contact with a chemical smell, my whole face feels as if it's made of glass and it's breaking into a million shards of tiny pieces.

Perhaps the reason I'm so sensitive to fragrances is because they are so toxic and they are harmful to us. After all, the CDC considers fragrances so harmful that it has banned them in all of its buildings. According to the Environmental Working Group, many fragrances contain carcinogens, hormone disruptors, thyroid disruption and can cause sperm damage. Some don't even list all their ingredients (Secret Chemicals Revealed In Celebrity Perfumes, Teen Body Sprays, 2010). So who knows what other harmful effects they could have on our health?

Dryer sheets and laundry detergents are particularly toxic. Not only are the "softening" agents toxic but they can contain hundreds of untested chemicals including hormone disruptors. A University of Washington Study on air contaminants from fragranced consumer goods detected between 18 and 20 chemicals in each of four laundry products- including likely human carcinogens (Sutton PhD., 2011).

It's not just migraine sufferers that are affected by fragrances. People with asthma are also at great risk. For some sufferers, fragrance is their main trigger of an attack.

In just the past week I have met three other women who are also bothered by perfume. The first was when I was at the gym. I was working out and there was a young woman who had on half a bottle of the poisonous stuff. The manager noticed that I was covering my nose and looking generally ill. She pulled me into her office to ask me if I was OK. When I told her what was going on, she said she was also very bothered by it- that she broke out in hives. She said her mother was allergic and got allergy symptoms. Later that week I was at the bank and the woman that usually waits on me told me that she is so sickened by perfume that she has to keep a small fan behind the counter so she can blow the perfume smells away from her. Then just yesterday, my chiropractor's wife noticed me in the waiting room looking pale and covering my nose. She walked into the waiting room and she immediately knew what the problem was. She took me to one of the treatment rooms and said" I can't stand perfume either! Oh, my gosh, that's so strong!" It turns out, she has asthma and perfume is a major trigger for her.

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