Tuesday 1 January 2019

Adult Basic Life Support and Resuscitation

The likely-hood of being involved in any medical emergency is often slim at best, many individuals will go about their lives never having dealt with any type of medical event. Although this may be a rare occurrence, by having first aid knowledge and skill you are greatly increasing your chances of successfully aiding an individual if they suddenly become unwell, or suffer a cardiac arrest. What is a cardiac arrest? This is when the heart stops beating for whatever reason, and it's a condition which often leads to the death of the individual. The cardiac arrest scenario is one which you'll typically see on medical drama programs where they are doing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and shocking them with a defibrillator. These dramatised resuscitation attempts are often littered with inaccuracies and mistakes, however you get the idea of what a cardiac arrest is.

So what do you do if an individual were to collapse in front of you suffering from a cardiac arrest, first it's important not to panic. By panicking you are losing control of what to do and this will not provide any help for the individual. Make sure you are in a safe environment. Do not approach your patient if they are in a dangerous predicament, for example, they've collapsed in the middle of a busy road. Ensure that the environment and settings allow for a safe approach so that you don't become a casualty yourself. If it is impossible to approach the patient, the call 999. If it is safe to approach, try to make contact with the individual. Once contact has been made but they are unresponsive, check to see if they are breathing or have a pulse. You can do this by leaning over their mouths and listening for breath, and by feeling for a pulse by the wrist. If you haven't done so already, you need to call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

You will need to begin chest compression's, the location for this is at the centre of the chest. Ensure that the patient is on their back and on a hard surface, place a flat palm atop the centre of the chest and interlock your other hand on top of it. The centre of the chest is where the sternum is located, or often anatomically land-marked in-between the nipples. You will need to begin chest compression's, do this by pushing down into the chest at a depth of 5-6 cm's. After pushing down allow the chest to recoil fully, then push down again. Continue this cycle at a rate of 100-120 compression's per minute, so around 2 every second. Depending where you are, there may be an automated external defibrillator (AED) nearby. These are often located in shopping centres and town halls, there are often many public initiatives raising money to fund AED placements in public places. Ask passers by if they are able to run and find an AED. If you are able to find one, open the pack and there will be clear instructions on how to use it. If possible try to keep someone doing CPR on the chest at all times, any time off the chest will allow for irreversible damage to be at it's maximum to the body. The same goes for when you start to feel tired, ineffective CPR will also hinder the resuscitation attempt. If passers by are willing, try to alternate CPR every 2 minutes. Give them clear instruction on how to do CPR.

In the AED there will b two pads with a picture of where to place them, one goes on the upper right chest, the other on the far left side of chest. By turning the AED on, it will talk you through the use of the device. It may ask you to stop CPR so that it can analyse the rhythm, once it's analysed it will advise to shock or continue CPR. If you are shocking, ensure nobody is touching the patient and that it is safe to do so. Continue doing CPR and following the advice of the AED until help arrives. By doing CPR and using an AED if available you are greatly increasing the chance of success for the patient.
It goes without saying that you can only believe 1/2 of what you read. Everyone is busy trying to sell us something, their political views, their products and services. They use all sorts of tactics - many of which borderline on Fear. Scaring us into taking action - buying what they are selling.

Not long ago, I read an interesting article titled: "9 Chemicals that are Killing Your Testosterone Levels and Stealing Your Manhood (Note: These chemicals are harmful to women too, even though this article focuses on the harm being done to men's Testosterone)" by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist & Dr. Richard Cohen, MD. The article stated:

"Recent studies indicate that the testosterone level of the average male today is 25% less than it was in 1992(Comparing males of the same ages). Meanwhile, the average male estrogen level has increased an alarming 40% during the same time period. The studies also show that male sperm counts are down 40% in that same time period."

Of course the authors peddling eBooks, Supplements, and the answers to all the Testosterone Manhood problems which plague the world, didn't cite any recent studies or even bother to give the reader a place to start looking to verify their claims. Now then, this article was emailed to me by a friend who was very concerned, and rightfully so after reading that. Upon first reading of the article I stated: "Wow, it's like you cannot escape that crap - it's almost in everything we eat, breathe, wear, drink or use around the house - scary stuff."

The article went on to say that Monsanto's Round-Up, Air Pollution, Plastics, GMOs, Fluoride in the Water, MSG, and Livestock Growth Hormones. I say to this doubtful. Let me explain further. You see, later after thinking about it, I told my friend and stated the following (Next four paragraphs): On second thought on that article, it contains several factual errors, making me think the whole thing is wrong. It almost sounded like a leftist-conspiracy theorist hit-piece. First, Monsanto's Round-Up's active ingredient is actually salt. No harm or foul for testosterone and salt. Likewise the compound breaks down in only a few days so, it's not like that is even an issue.

Soot and CO2 etc, from smoke-stacks are not as bad as they used to be with the high-tech scrubbers, so I also refute that one. The real reason that men are losing their ability to make testosterone is they are living longer, they are couch potatoes, they eat crappy foods, 65% of men (and women) have diabetes or are outside their BMI or have onset Diabetes.

They also don't take in enough protein. Plus, they don't do labor type jobs using muscles and few workout, some men workout too much, endurance athletes and can't keep up with Testosterone production w/o some sort of supplements - Zinc, Magnesium, calcium, complex vitamin, amino acids, etc. They don't eat enough meat, chicken, eggs either. They make supplements with everything one needs to fix this issue... if one's body is working and they do at least some time of intensity workouts 3-times a week.

So, in hindsight, I think that article is total BS, actually I know it is. I bet their next article will say that Global Warming, failure to install LBGT bathrooms and voting for Trump will cause a lack of testosterone in men, but reading Karl Marx and quotes by Castro and Obama will fix that problem for ALL men?
Choosing to live a healthy and holistic lifestyle has never been easier. We have all seen the energetic rise in superfoods; from super berries, raw cocoa to matcha tea. Many health conscious consumers spend time seeking out the next health food, eager to see if it has the power to compliment our healthy lifestyles.

Healthy oils have recently been in the superfoods spotlight, with their endless benefits and versatility whats not to love? All hail the healthy oil revolution! In a world of choice how do we make the decision on what type we want to introduce and accept into our healthy food repertoire? Most share similar benefits for optimising health, but each come into their own when used in different ways. Some healthy oils simply offer distinctive flavours making them ideal to use as salad dressings or sautéing food; Walnut, hemp and almond to name a few.

Naturally some are better for cooking than others. Selecting an oil that can hold a high cooking heat, often known as 'smoking point' is the key to cooking. Olive, avocado and organic virgin coconut oil can all be used for cooking. You may choose to embrace a few varieties into your kitchen cupboards as each offer a different usage and flavour.

When it comes to cooking organic virgin coconut oil is the winning choice, with over 90% of its fat being saturated it is naturally resistant to high heat. It is packed full of powerful health benefits, naturally high in Lauric acid believed to lower cholesterol as well as being packed full of antibacterial qualities and due to its nutritious qualities it can boost metabolism.

If you are not keen on coconut flavour, you can source odourless, still reaping all its health benefits without compromising on taste. However if the taste excites your tastebuds it really can lift a basic recipe, delicious vegetables suddenly take on a smoother and richer flavour.

Why choose 'organic virgin coconut oil'? It simply means it has been extracted in two ways, via extraction from fresh undried coconut meat or extracted from pre dried meat. Both natural processes offer a 'less processed' product. Antioxidants are much higher in organic virgin varieties, increased antioxidants mean extra nourishment for our cells to absorb and benefit from. Coconut oil is not just for your kitchen cupboard. With over 100 known uses, it does not just have to sit in your kitchen cupboard. It can be used as a moisturiser for both hair and skin, soothes cuts and grazes or use it to create your own natural deodorant. A true superfood and a trusted diverse health companion.

Lets not forget our other healthy cooking companion! The new kid on the block, Avocado also holds a high cooking heat and can be used liberally to compliment salads or simply drizzled over bread as a quick healthy snack. This tasty alternative is a friendly carrier for other flavours, its subtle taste make it a great partner for a range of food. A great source of Vitamin E, an avid promoter of healthy skin and hair and natural appetite suppressant, avocado oil should hold a place in your healthy cupboard.

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