Sunday 23 December 2018

All You Need To Know About Transplant Surgery

Aloe Vera - the plant of immortality has been used since ages for medicinal and healing purposes. It is a short plant, just 2 to 3 feet in height. The leaves of this plant are rich in water and contain several other nutrients like minerals, vitamins, acids, salts and antioxidants. Technically, it contains around 22 different nutrients which are considered very useful for skin and hair. Owing to its miraculous healing power, this plant is widely used in the manufacturing of several beauty products.

Let me discuss first some of the properties of Aloe Vera.

It possesses antibacterial properties.

This plant contains various antioxidants which restrain the growth of bacteria. Because of this property, it is used in case of infection and inflammation. It contains compound from the hydrocarbon family which prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria.

It acts as moisturizer.

The Aloe Vera plant contains around 95 percent of water. Owing to this, it acts as an excellent moisturizing agent. The regular use of this helps in removing the dryness of the skin, thus making it more attractive. There are several skin moisturizers available in the market. You can also use them in order to give your skin attractive appearance.

It helps in preventing ageing of the skin.

This plant contains antioxidants as well as vitamin C and E. These ingredients are very effective in providing firmness to the skin. Moreover, the regular use of this helps in retaining the elasticity of the skin, thus giving you attractive and younger looks.

It is used to lighten skin.

It helps in lightening the texture of the skin. The ingredients of this plant help in controlling the pigmentation of the skin. When used on a regular basis, it helps in controlling the activity of the collagen, thus offering you bright skin.

Aloe Vera is also very useful for hair. Because of its miraculous healing properties, it is widely used in the manufacturing of the wide range of hair care products. As it contains around 22 amino acids along with different vitamins and mineral supplements, it helps in enhancing hair growth. It prevents the growth of dandruff and helps a lot in maintaining hair healthy and strong. The study has suggested that disturbed pH of the scalp is the main cause of hair fall. This is very effective in maintaining the pH of the scalp, thus preventing several diseases associated with hair.

There are several beauty and health care products available in the market. One can easily use these products in order to avail the several benefits offered by Aloe Vera. As it is basically a plant, its regular use doesn't offer any side effect.
In an emergency, your life depends on getting to the nearest hospital. But when you have an option to plan ahead, selecting the right hospital for your treatment makes all the difference. It not only gives you the confidence that you are in good hands, but also makes your stay at the hospital worth it. The best hospitals have the best of everything. They have the right doctors on board, the best support staff, the best in class medical equipment and infrastructure. If you are selecting a hospital for your treatment, here are a few tips on how to select the best hospital:

Check out hospital ratings

Ratings are a good place to start your research. Well, even if there aren't too many hospitals in your area to compare, ratings give you a fair idea about the services you can expect to receive. Hospitals are generally rated using the following factors:

· Patient experiences - patient experiences with the doctor, the support staff and other hospital members does matter. Patient's opinion about the cleanliness of the hospital and its maintenance also affects hospital ratings.

· Patient outcomes - patient outcomes are an important factor in rating hospitals. The number of times a patient had to be re-admitted for the same ailment etc. makes a difference in hospital ratings.

· Hospital practices and Safety scores play a major role in influencing the rating of a hospital.

So, ratings are not just some random numbers, they could be of great help when you wish to select a hospital for your treatment.

Talk to previous patients

It is a good idea to get feedback from patients regarding the hospital. They will be able to give you accurate information of how the rooms were kept and how friendly or unfriendly the nurses were and how expertly the doctor completed the treatment. Talk to someone who has experienced it first hand and you will get a better idea of which hospital to select.

Check out doctor's profiles

In fact check this before you check anything else. It is important to check out the doctors onboard before you finalize a hospital. If you are looking for a heart surgery, check out the heart surgeons working at that hospital either fulltime or on a per visit basis. It is a good idea to get acquainted with the doctors treating you.

Hospital specialty

Finally, decide whether you wish to select a specialty hospital or a multispecialty hospital. Specialty hospitals provide services for just one type of treatment such as 'Heart Hospital'. Multispecialty hospitals have the ability to treat a varied type of ailments.

Finally, make sure that you shortlist a few hospitals in your area and actually visit them. Talk to the staff and check out the rooms. You can also check out their websites or social media pages to get more information. The testimonials written by the patients are important too. Check them out before you decide! Take all the points into consideration and then select the best hospital for your treatment.
Organ transplant surgery includes removal of the diseased organ from the body and replacing it with a healthy one. This is a life saving procedure that gives the recipient a new lease of life. Organ transplant is a major surgery and has its own risks and drawbacks. The most common transplants that are performed are kidneys, pancreas, liver, heart, lung and intestine. Depending on the organ needed, they are matched using several characteristics such as the size of the organ needed and the blood type of the patient etc.

Availability of organ donors

Organ transplant surgeries are generally dependent on the availability of donors. Generally, a donor could be a living person such as your friends and family or a diseased person whose organs are working just fine. The living donor's blood is tested to check whether it is compatible with the recipient.

Lifestyle changes are crucial

Organ transplant candidates need to make some substantial lifestyle changes. This essentially means that they need to stop smoking, alcohol and might also require reducing substantial weight.

Questions to ask your doctor about your transplant

Organ transplant is one of the major decisions of your life. It is obvious that you might have a number of questions in your mind. Make sure that you ask your doctor about the risks of the transplant, the success rates of the transplant and the survival rates of the patients after the surgery. It is also important to ask how long your hospital stay will be etc.

Things to remember after the transplant

Most patients feel better immediately after the transplant and can enjoy a significantly improved life. There is a possibility that the immune system of your body might reject the new organ. In order to prevent this, your doctor will prescribe immunosuppressant (anti-rejection) drugs. These drugs need to be taken as recommended by the doctor or the surgery will not sustain and your body might not function well with the newly transplanted organ. It is important to carefully observe the symptoms of rejection and contact your doctor as soon as you observe any changes. Your doctor will make adjustments to your anti-rejection regimen. It is hence of utmost importance that you keep all your doctor's appointments and take all your prescribed medications regularly. The rejection can be reversed if the doctor is able to detect the early signs of rejection. During the first few months after a transplant keep in constant touch with your doctor and ensure that you follow all the instructions religiously. Monitor your blood pressure, weight, cholesterol and all the recommended health screenings to ensure that your new organ is accepted by the body.

To sum it up

Overall, it is highly essential that you understand the procedure that you are undergoing, the risks involved and the post operative care that you need to take. Talk to your doctor and ensure that you follow all the recommendations and prescriptions so that the body accepts the new organ.

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