Saturday 22 December 2018

What Makes a Hospital 'the Best Hospital'

When a kidney failure is so advanced that it cannot be reversed, it is termed as End Stage Renal Disease or ESRD. The kidneys function so poorly that they fail to keep the patient alive. Conventional medication in such cases fails too. Dialysis could help to some extent, but the only other option available for treatment is transplantation. Dialysis uses artificial means of filtering blood in order to keep the body functioning. Well, a kidney transplantation could provide patients relief from the repetitive schedule that dialysis requires and helps them recover faster. Transplantation however is not considered as a complete cure although the patients can go back to their routine lives after the surgery. These patients must take regular medications and need to consult a doctor regularly after a successful transplantation too.

The function of kidneys in our body is to filter wastes from the bloodstream and also maintain the balance of electrolytes in our body. Their main function is to remove chemicals and other by products from the blood stream. They eliminate these waste products from our bodies in the form of urine. Another most important function of a kidney is to secrete hormones that are known to regulate the absorption of calcium from the food that we eat. They also produce red blood cells. They also regulate the amount of fluid in the circulatory system. All of this in turn helps increase our bone strength, prevents anaemia, and regulates blood pressure.

When I attended elementary school, we were taught that wealthy ancient Romans would tickle the back of their throat with a feather to induce vomiting after dinner. Although that ritual probably put a damper on any postprandial romance (unless mouthwash was provided with the meal), it allowed them to engage in their greatest delight - eating more food. Whether or not that custom is mythical, it does bring to mind similar, modern practices of many Americans today.

I sometimes ask insulin-dependent diabetics a simple, yet revealing question. If they could give up all food except some basic green vegetables for one month, and by doing so, cure themselves of their diabetes, would they do it? Sadly, the answer is always a resounding "no." They explained to me that they are unwilling to deny themselves any food. Rather than monitor their diet, they prefer to inject themselves with additional insulin when required.

I was with a friend once late at night, and we stopped for a bite to eat after a movie. He suffered from heartburn and acid reflux, and wondered aloud whether it was too late to take a prescription pill for his condition. He pondered his choices for a moment, and then confidently popped the pill into his mouth. He then proceeded to order cheese fries, a bacon cheeseburger, and some onion rings - despite the lateness of the hour. Surprised by his decision, I asked him why he didn't just avoid those foods, and order something lighter and easier to digest. He gazed at me incredulously, and then explained that was the purpose of the pills. I suggested that he should forego another tub of greasy, buttered popcorn on the next movie night. It might save him a pill.

Fried foods, trans-fats, sugary desserts, and salty snacks - why avoid them when a simple pill will counter their deleterious effects? People I know would prefer to take medication for their high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes. We can actually alleviate most of these health conditions - and even physical pain, insomnia, and arthritis - by altering dietary intake. However, few people will deny themselves the foods that they enjoy.

When it comes to weight loss, nearly everyone tries over-the-counter diet pills before sacrificing that extra helping of greasy fries or a sweet, tempting dessert. When those pills fail, many turn to prescription medicine for weight loss. In addition, as I noted in my article, "The Truth About Weight Loss," many people prefer to endure grueling exercise regimens that they dread and hate, rather than deny themselves the foods whispering their sweet names as they pass by the refrigerator. Incidentally, my refrigerator has an alluring, female, British accent. Still haven't gotten her name though. The decision to exercise and ignore diet is usually a losing proposition, because it's difficult to lose weight on a treadmill with a milk shake in one hand, and a chicken wrap in the other.

For people who are extremely overweight, some prefer to undergo operations like gastric banding, liposuction, gastric bypass, or stomach stapling instead of altering their diet. Whatever the ailment, Americans prefer to pop pills, exercise their jiggling belly away, or undergo surgery, despite the fact that all operations pose some risk, and nearly every drug has side effects.

Centuries ago, Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." So, we have long known the association between a healthy diet and good health. But it's been either forgotten or purposefully ignored in modern society.

Historians still debate whether Roman nobility actually used feathers to induce vomiting. After all, vomiting is hardly an enjoyable experience. And, I imagine one's appetite would be a bit suppressed afterwards - especially if your seat is nearest the vomitorium.
Today, too many American's are willing to endure nearly any level of suffering to lose their excess weight - except sacrificing the foods that they love. It might not be as unsettling as tickling the back of the throat with a feather, but the result is eerily similar.
I invite you to visit my website, The Soup of Life. Each week, I add another column where I give my thoughts on culture, politics, religion, health, science, and life.

Pondering the questions and possibilities of life continues to be my lifelong passion. And, I am never done learning. I am looking forward to your thoughts and comments.
You have various options when it comes to DFW on site drug testing. You can choose to do the testing on your own, or you can work with a third-party. Working with a third party can make a lot of sense, and save you time along the way. This will allow you to focus on operations rather than on operating your drug and alcohol testing program.

Notify Employee

Employees need to be notified that they have to undergo a drug test. The benefit is that it will be conducted on-site, which means that you can get 100% participation. Any time that it is offered off-site, you run the risk of people not going because they have to find the time to go to the lab. Then, you may deal with transportation problems, as well as those who claim that they cannot find the lab.

When it is conducted on-site, you can ensure people will go to get the test. You can also ensure that the third-party will provide sufficient notification, which is one less thing for you to have to do.

Maintain Chain of Custody

Maintaining the chain of custody is of the utmost importance. If at any time, the chain is broken, the results become invalid. You don't want to be responsible for this chain of custody because it can be time-consuming. There are also various documents that go along with the process. By handing the responsibility over to a third-party, you can remain confident that the chain of custody is present. This will also be of benefit to you in the event that an employee tests positive. You may need to take legal action against them, or use it in a case that is already in process.

Obtain Results

There is also the matter of obtaining the results. By using a third-party, they will obtain the results, and record everything electronically. You can have everything filed away in an electronic data management system. You can also receive real-time status updates through a dashboard. It will keep you informed of all that is going on. If you need to see whether an employee has been tested recently or not, you can pull them up by name. You can also see their test results.

You may not have the time to manage the entire process. It can be overwhelming, especially as you add more employees to the mix. When you take advantage of DFW on-site drug testing, you can also have a medical review officer who will take care of all the different test. They can provide DOT as well of non-DOT drug tests, as well as alcohol tests.
Hospitals of today face a variety of challenges that force them to redefine the way they conduct business. There is a significant shift from focusing of the number of 'heads in beds' to delivering high quality, reliable care at affordable costs. This transition is based on the need to ensure that customers have dependable healthcare services whenever required.
Here are some of the characteristics that make a hospital 'the best hospital':
Coordinated care
Healthcare systems should be able to provide coordinated care throughout the continuum of care including outpatient office visits to inpatient stays and post acute rehabilitation. They should develop standardized care paths for some of the most common conditions that are treated at their hospital. Unnecessary processes and procedures must be eliminated and the patients must experience a seamless transition from one department to another until they are finally discharged.
Comprehensive care
There are some hospitals who focus on core specialties, and some that provide comprehensive care. The advantage of a comprehensive care unit is that the patient does not have to be moved to another hospital or health care organization due to unavailability of certain services. A comprehensive care unit can provide all the required services under one roof.
Openness to technology
Technology cannot be ignored in today's world. Hospitals that openly embrace technology and implement new and sophisticated ways to treat patients are better equipped for success. New age treatment methods such as robotic surgeries have better success rates. Other than that, hospitals also need to implement advanced technology information systems that can readily provide clinical information to manage the hospital efficiently. So, openness to technology is one of the factors that contribute to building a highly successful healthcare unit.
Hospitals should be able to provide standardized care by eliminating all the unnecessary processes and provide an environment that is focused on patient care rather than lengthy administrative procedures. This ensures that critical patients get the care they require within stipulated time and there are no delays in services due to redundant processes and procedures. The best hospitals are invariably the ones that are highly efficient.
Patient centeredness
Patient centeredness is one of the most important factors. The patients must always be the topmost priority for any hospital. Building patient experiences is important for any hospital that aims to provide the highest levels of patient care.
Transparent pricing
Transparent pricing is one of the most important parts of running a patient friendly healthcare service. Well, a patient should not be taken by surprise when they finally get their bills. All expenses should be clearly mentioned so that they are prepared financially before they undergo treatment.
Overall, other than the expertise and skills of the doctors on board, patients of today demand a lot more from healthcare organizations. In order to be the best, these hospitals need to deliver their best on all fronts such as medical care, administrative procedures, coordination between various departments and embracing technology. Implementing new processes and eliminating the redundant ones is the key to providing patients with a great experience while they stay at your hospital.

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