Saturday 22 December 2018

Interesting Facts on Umbilical Cords

Too many chronic ailments are on the rise and there is no health care to counter the spread of all these diseases. The result is that every individual is plagued with a plethora of problems and in their haste to keep up with everyday life; they end up popping too many pills. The health system that presently exists has a very mechanical approach towards patients and their problems, for them suppressing a problem is better than completely eradicating the root cause of it.

Though there is a system of medicinal science that has been in existence for centuries and takes a very holistic approach towards dealing with any health issue. It takes measures to prevent any diseases along with curing the existing ones. Though of course there are some diseases that do require allopathic medicines in order to be cured but that doesn't lessen the importance of Ayurveda. This ancient system of treating diseases with herbs and natural products originated in India and is highly practiced and recommended. Many countries in the west after the advent of Yoga and other eastern esoteric methods, are taking up the ayurvedic route to a better health. Ayurveda is a highly spiritual and traditional way of curing a disease and there are a variety of reasons why you must choose to use Ayurvedic medicines:

Provides A Complete & Holistic Cure:
Many people suffering from chronic health issues get tired of popping pills but have to keep up with those medicines in order to suppress their ailment. Often times they develop other health issue due to constant intake of pills such as liver or other digestive problems. Ayurvedic medicines on the other hand deal with permanently healing the person. It doesn't offer just temporary relief but ensures the complete eradication of the root cause of the problem.

Cost Effective:
More than the actual disease that they are suffering from, people fear the medical bills they incur. Taking constant insurance policies and yet taking up more loans to finally pay off the medical bills can actually induce more mental health problems. Ayurvedic medicines on the other hand do not burn a hole in the pocket and are available at very affordable prices.

It's Natural:
You can always trust Mother Nature to provide you with the best and the healthiest things. Just like the fruits and vegetables that we eat, everything that is used in Ayurvedic medicines is made of natural substance and possesses no strong side effects. All the more reasons to take up ayurvedic medicines.People often question that how come the Japanese are so fit and slim despite eating rice and noodles on a daily basis? While there are numerous reasons behind their physical dexterity, one vital fact is that they don't consume the regular white rice but parboiled rice. Parboiled rice, also known as converted rice, is the grain that is partially boiled in the husk in order to augment its nutritional profile for added benefits. But what benefits? While there are various kinds of rice grains ranging from white rice to brown rice to black rice, every specific variety has its own advantages. Parboiled Rice though stands a cut above them. Although it isn't yet officially declared as the healthiest rice (considering there are thousands of categories), it is certainly the most effective one for the following reasons: -

1. Increases Metabolism

Parboiled rice is a great source of vitamin B-9, or Folate. Since our body is dependable on the specified vitamin and amino acids, the compound helps increase the rate of metabolism. Half-cup cooked parboiled rice incorporates approximately 100 micrograms of Folate which is near thirty percent of the daily required quantity for both the men and the women.

2. Amplifies Levels Of Oxygen

Converted rice is also an excellent source of Iron. Half-cup serving of the grain incorporates approximately 1.4 milligrams of the element which is around 20 percent of the daily required quantity for both the men and the women. According to a study, Iron helps our body in sensing the levels of oxygen present in the tissues and furthermore distributes oxygen through our bloodstream.

3. Regulates The Activities Of Thyroid Gland

Utmost advantage of boiled rice is that it provides us with Selenium, a chemical element which help in regulating the thyroid gland via controlling the activities of thyroid hormones and thus, resulting in prevention of chubbiness or getting underweight. Half-cup of serving of cooked parboiled rice incorporates approximately 7.3 micrograms of Selenium radicals which is near 15 percent of the daily required quantity for both men and the women.

4. Prevents Cardiovascular Risks

Parboiled rice also contains Niacin i.e. Vitamin B3 which not only supports the metabolism of the body but also helps the cells in carrying out the necessary chemical reactions to breakdown fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy and thus keeps the cholesterol levels under control. Half-cup serving of parboiled rice incorporates approximately 1.8 micrograms of Niacin which is near fifteen percent of the daily required quantity for both the men and the women.

So, instead of believing in the half-authentic fact that eating rice regularly can make you obese, remember that daily consumption of parboiled rice is favorable for your body as it helps in maintaining good health. Converted rice is available for purchase mostly everywhere albeit it's a bit expensive as compared to white rice.Ever wondered if there is a relationship between your umbilical cord and the belly button? Of course there is! When you have your little one inside your womb, it needs a life-support system to survive the pregnancy gestation period. This support is comprised of the placenta, the umbilical cord and the amniotic sac filled with amniotic fluid. "The baby's life hangs by a cord", as said by Ian Donald, aptly tells the importance of the umbilical cord.

The umbilical cord plays the essential role of attaching your baby to the placenta and keeps feeding your baby. During delivery, the placenta is expelled from your uterus through a process known as the after-birth. The umbilical cord, once your baby is delivered is clamped and cut. The remaining section of the cord heals and later becomes the baby's belly button.

Nevertheless, most are aware of these common facts. But there are some really fun insights that you probably never thought about:

Umbilical Cords Vary in Length

The lengths of the umbilical cords in babies are variable. However, there is no concrete evidence to ascertain why the length varies at all. Within the full gestation period of 28 weeks, the cord may reach its full length which usually is between 45-60 centimetres in length. In a small percentage of pregnancies, the cord is less than 45 centimetres in length and investigative studies have shown that placenta retention and C-section is usually higher in such instances.

Tangles, Knots, and Loops

Babies in the womb are constantly moving around. A common game that they indulge in is playing 'loop the loop' with the cord. If the baby is healthy and the cord remains intact, it does not really pose any risk to the baby. Approximately 35% of the babies born have the umbilical cord wrapped around their necks and 1% of them have the cord in a true knot.

It stops working when needed.

In the womb, the stem cell remains in a temperature controlled environment. Post the baby's birth, the cord is exposed to cooler air and the 'Wharton's Jelly' within it starts to harden and shrink. Natural clamping occurs that squeezes and closes the blood vessels inside the cord. Depending on the temperature outside of the mother's body, natural clamping takes approximately between 3 and 20 minutes.

The Umbilical Cord Tissue is full of potential.

Most of us have heard about cord blood stem cells but the new research that has everyone's attention is on umbilical cord tissue. Many ongoing clinical trials have brought significant evidence forward that the cord blood tissue also contains stem cells that possess the potential to multiply and transform into various cell types, like cartilage, bone, fat, etc. This essentially means that the cord tissue with more stem cells can potentially be used in treating more conditions and disorders.

As Nancy Reagan rightfully said, "Now science has presented us with a hope called stem cell research, which may provide our scientists with many answers that have for so long been beyond our grasp."

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